Not as bad as it seems

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Mark led Jack to where he was staying.
"How long will I be staying?" Jack asked.
"I said for the night." Mark said, grinning.
"Oh. Right." Jack said quietly.
His house was huge.
"Dude, you live in a mansion?" Jack asked, amazed.
"It's a big house. Like how big your house is."
"We call all our homes Dens."
"That's weird " Jack said.
"Your accent is weird." Mark said.
"So, what do you do here in simulator?" Jack asked, changing the subject.
"We LOVE sports!" Mark said excitedly.
Jack shrugged.  "Don't hate them." He agreed (kinda)
"What do you guys like?" Mark asked.
"Video games, the Internet, AND BEING BOSS!"
Mark laughed. "What is 'Boss' to you?"
"To be AWESOME obviously!" Jack said hyperly.
"Is that a bell?" Jack asked.
"Yeah, BOSS!"
They laughed and ran towards the bell the conveniently saw. (Lol)
"THE BELL IS FOOKIN' LOUD!" Jack yelled.
"Were doing a cool activity!" Mark said excitedly.
"Oh!" Jack said.
A tall man with a peculiar hat walked up to a weird machine.
"Whats that?" Jack asked, pointing to the device.
"Thats called a Voice Extremer. It helps it so you can speak louder."
"So it's like a microphone?"
"Uh,sure." Mark said.
"Hey, Mark. Who's this dude?" A dude asks. He has Darkish blond hair.
"Oh, hey Felix. This is Jack!" Mark said, introducing me.
"Oh cool. Hey bro." Felix said, waving his hand at me.
"Hey." Jack said.
"I've never seen you before." Felix said.
"I'm not from here." Jack said.
"You aren't?" Felix asked.
"He's not. He's from Ireland." Mark said.
"Y-Yeah. Ireland." Jack said.
"Wait.... OH MY GOD!" Felix exclaimed all of a sudden.
"Yeah." Jack said.
"I'm from...... Uh... Sweden!" Felix said.
"Really?" Jack asked excitedly.
"Yeah. You can tell by my accent!" Felix said.
"I Can!" Jack said. "How long have you been here?"
"....9 years!"
"How old are you?" Jack asked.
"24!" Felix replied.
"I'm 23." Mark said, laughing.
"I'm 22!" Jack said.
They all laughed.
"Well. I gotta go see Marzia. Bye Jack!" Felix said, and walked off.
"He's a cool guy." Jack said.
"Yeah. He's my best friend." Mark said.
"You know what? I don't think I mind this place that much!"
NUMBER 2 NECAUSE NUMBER 1 was SO successful :D
What did you get for Christmas?

Not A simulator Simulator (A Septiplier fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now