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"Tamsin," Shelby says weakly as she opens her eyes and sees him sitting next to her bed.

Tamsin wakes up and gives her a small smile. "Shelby, good you're awake. You were taking so long to wake up we were starting to get worried about you."

"How long?" Shelby asks softly.

"It's three o' clock in the morning." Tamsin gives her the information she wants.

"Fifteen hours?" Shelby closes her eyes once more. "How'd it go?"

"Well my part went perfectly. The uterus is clean and the DNA is yours so you won't have to take medication pills the rest of your life. The surgeon is confident that his part went perfectly as well. You have to understand, a uterine transplant hasn't been done before, at least not that I know of. In theory you should be able to have kids now, since you only had a partial hysterectomy. But theory and practical don't always go hand in hand. The doctors are watching this case closely. Sorry, I made a case study out of you without realizing it before." Tamsin apologizes for making her life something that would be dissected under a microscope for years to come.

"When will I know?" Jenna demands still half asleep.

"Good questions like that are better saved for the doctor." Tamsin knows that's not the answer she wants to hear but he's not going to be the one to tell her.

"Jenna? Why does Tamsin have dried blood on his face, hair and clothes?" Shelby asks the next morning. Jenna has taken the seat that Tamsin was in last night.

"Well after he came out from the operating room, about ten men from the whore's gang came in waving guns at him, me and Michael."

"I bet that went over real well with Tamsin," Shelby says sarcastically and rolls her eyes.

"Not really, no. He had me take him to behind the men and then go to safety in the security room. There the security men and I watched him literally tear the men limb from limb. It got a tad bloody. I think they are still finding body parts and cleaning up the blood.

"I hear that that housekeeping threatened to quite if it ever got that bad again." Jenna says trying to be a bit humorous.

"Calus, hello," Shelby is bored out of her mind. Tamsin took Jenna and Michael home so they could all rest properly not to mention eat, Tamsin needed to shower too. Tamsin left some of his men just in case more bad guys showed up but he didn't think they would. He sent his own people out to clean them up. So she was more than ready for a visitor.

"How are you feeling Shelby?" Calus asks more than a little uncomfortable. Tamsin had ordered him here but he's not sure why.

"Sore, but I think Tamsin did some of his magic healing because I'm not as sore as I was when I first woke up.

That makes Tamsin smile, "Yes, he looks out for you even more than he did Sirren." Calus has a small half smile and more than a little pain at the mention of Tamsin's sister.

"Sirren?" Shelby questions.

Calus goes in and sits down by Shelby's side. "Tamsin's twin sister. Damn I don't think there was anything he wouldn't do for her. He loved her more than life and so did I. She was almost as beautiful as you and Jenna, about as generous and loving, but she couldn't stand the beast. He frightened both her and their other sister, so the beast always hid when he was around them. It hurt him though because he loved them both so much. Not even his brother or father could stand being around the beast. Tamsin could never fully be himself because of it.

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