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"We are here tonight to talk about your request." Tamsin has a hard time sitting still, his beast doesn't like the idea of someone else taking what is his even in this way.

"I appreciate you taking the time to do this Mr. Tamsin. But usually the one to be betrothed isn't part of the negotiations." Jeremy says indicating Jasmine sitting at Tamsin's left while Jenna is on his right.

"This isn't a normal betrothal arrangement and we both know it. If it was then it would be over before it even began. You are aware that Jasmine has a child. That alone should exclude her from a betrothal amongst you elite. Yet here you are asking for it. Why? And I have to warn you any lies will result in a negative response." Tamsin says the beast starting to make his presence known.

"Hold on, Mr. Stotweiler. Calm down dark boy, he's not trying to steal her. He's asking permission..."

"To take her away from me, Jenna," The beast growls out.

"Excuse us, both of you please." Jenna scoots her chair back and grabs hold of Tamsin's arm and takes him to another area of the restaurant.

Jasmine looks down blushing as Jeremy looks after them amazed. "I thought he was the one in charge of the mafia, but it seems..."

"He is, Jenna is calming him down so he doesn't kill you for daring to ask for my hand in marriage. Tamsin is very possessive and territorial. He doesn't share and he doesn't like giving things up he considers his. I am his daughter, at least he's my guardian and he considers me his daughter."

"I don't understand," Jeremy is very confused.

"They are coming back. If his eyes start glowing and his voice gets growly, move slow and don't look him in the eyes."

"Jasmine, come with me, Tamsin wants to talk to him and explain a few things. Things neither of us want to relive. Mr. Stotweiler, he promised me that he won't attack you, but these things bring the dark side of him out and he becomes very protective. Don't antagonize him by making any comments that could be considered-better just not say anything unless he demands it of you." They watch as the girls leave the area and disappear into a back room.

"I asked you a question sir, and you haven't answered yet. Now that Jenna isn't here to interfere would you be so kind as to answer it please?" The beast is trying hard to keep things civil but he's finding it hard.

"There aren't many elites left to choose from. Either they are younger than your ward, or they are betrothed already or they are far too old to enter into a betrothal. I realize that before the purge or whatever you call it, of the elites she wouldn't have been considered eligible. She's a lovely young lady and I think that we would suite," Jeremy says completely honest. He doesn't think he'd leave the table alive if he isn't.

"How could you know if you'd suit or not when you've hardly even spoken to each other? But that's neither here nor there. Her child is my grandchild you do know that right?" 

"I'd guessed as much when I found out who Darren Marks was," Jeremy responds.

"There are some things you need to know. My wife, she is from the elite class are you aware of that?" Tamsin asks, he's relaxed a bit now but his eyes haven't calmed down.

"No, I hadn't heard that," indeed that does surprise him.

"Her sister's betrothed had her parents killed and her and her sister placed in the pleasure palace, whore house or hell hole depending on who you talked to. They were there fore three years before the bastard made the mistake of targeting me and my family. He wanted me, my brother and my sisters. My family died to save them from this hell, and so did he.

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