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Jasmine still only half awake stumbles into the nursery to check on Darren. Since there was no crying she assumed that the kids were most likely sleeping or their parents have them. She is therefore surprised to see Jeremy on the floor surrounded by all the kids. He even has Michael helping him out.

Not thinking she moves up behind Jeremy and slides her hands up his back. She is therefore surprised at his reaction. "Stop. There is only one person that I will allow to touch me like that and she's currently not talking to me." Although she is surprised she is pleased that he tensed up and told the person to stop angrily.

"Are you sure you want me to stop?" She asks teasing him again.

"Jasmine," he says sighing out and he relaxes under her touch.

"I'll stop if that is really what you wish." Jasmine says giving him little kisses on his neck.

Just then Darren spots his mother and starts crying for her. "It looks like I have to stop after all." She leaves off her fun and goes after her son before the others start crying as well.

Jasmine gets comfortable with Darren and while playing with him talks to Jeremy, "I owe you an apology Jeremy. I treated you badly last night. I told you that I wouldn't hold what you told me against you and yet in a way I did and that was very unfair to you. I'm very sorry. If you are willing to give me another chance I'd like to go on another date."

"I would be honored to go out with you Jasmine. What do you have in mind? Oh you might not have heard, we are basically under house arrest for now." Jeremy tells her as he picks up the other children and puts them to bed. Melanie was fast asleep but Lance was still fighting it. Michael he let play with his toy truck in the play area.

Jasmine looks up startled. "What?"

"Apparently some gang has been making threats against Tamsin's family. He's moved me in here for the time being as well as Calus and Shelby. To leave means we'd have to take a bunch of armed guards..." Jasmine nods, she's been through the routine before.

"So he finally figured a way to bring you here to the house has he?" But Jasmine is smiling a small secretive smile. She'll have to thank Tamsin later.

"What do you mean?" Jeremy asks he watches Jasmine play with Darren and wants to take her in his arms and hold her.

"He claimed you, he's been trying to find a way to get you here." Jasmine looks up at him and smiles, "Now he's found one."

"You don't sound too upset by that," Jeremy says taking the now somnolent child from her and helping her up. He puts Darren in his crib and goes back to Jasmine.

She answers as he takes her in his arms, "I'm not." Jeremy brings his lips down on hers and they become lost in each other.

The next thing Jeremy knows is a burning pain in his back and something hits his head and he hears Jasmine's scream as darkness encompasses him.

"He's bleeding rather badly Tamsin. Can you stop it?" Calus says as he puts pressure on the wound.

"I didn't force him here just to lose him the same day. Get out of the way Calus. Calm the children down. Darren is screaming fit to be tied. Then call my wife and find out if they are okay. Jordan take a look at those damn security tapes and find out just what the hell happened!" Tamsin orders even as he sends out his healing to Jeremy. It takes far too long for the bleeding to stop but finally it does and he then sends healing to Jeremy's head.

"What happened?" Jeremy asks trying to sit up. Tamsin holds him down.

"I was hoping you could tell me." Tamsin is angry, someone he claimed as his was injured in his own home. A home that should have been impossible to get into. The children start calming down except Darren.

"Tamsin, Darren won't calm down. Every time I go near him he screams louder." Calus has to shout to be heard over Darren's screams.

Tamsin finishes wrapping Jeremy's wound and helps him up. "Go sit in the chair and I'll bring Darren to you." Tamsin directs and Jeremy is in no shape to argue.

As soon as Darren feels Jeremy's arms around him he stops screaming.

Tamsin is able to calm himself down now.

"Tamsin, someone took the cameras offline, but since they don't know about the other cameras I have a visual. They have Jasmine, but she's acting strange it's like she's not trying to even get away from their touch.  She seems to go where they direct without even turning her head."

"Jeremy, what happened here?" Tamsin demands. He doesn't like it, something's wrong, Jasmine would never leave Darren here or allow Jeremy to be hurt and left untended.

"I'm not sure. Jasmine came in as I was getting the kids down for their naps. She apologized to me for last night then kissed me. Suddenly I felt a burning pain stabbing me in the back and something hitting my head. That's all I know." Jeremy once more feels like a failure.

"No, you are no failure Jeremy. No one can be faulted when they didn't know that there were enemies about. This house should have been secure, I have staff that should ensure that." Tamsin is furious.

"Tamsin, they came in the front door when the butler opened it. Looks like they shot him with something before he could react. There is a group of four or no five people. They shoot the staff before they are even aware that there is any problem. Whatever they shoot them with is fast acting they go down immediately. The men take the staff out of camera range, looks like the living room perhaps? 

"They come up the stairs, they know which room they want. They came here likely looking for the kids and finding Jasmine and Jeremy and decide that Jasmine makes an easier target for whatever reason."

"Does it show the attack on Jeremy?" Calus demands.

"Yes, they were kissing just like Jeremy says. They stick the knife in Jeremy and hit him with something heavy, a pipe? When Jeremy falls they grab Jasmine and stick her with something and all of a sudden she stops fighting and does whatever they say.

"They just turn around and walk out the door with Jasmine going with them." Jordan is not only astounded he's shaken. Jasmine doesn't need this, she's been hurt and damaged too much already.

Jeremy weakly asks, "Might I see the video footage?" He wants to know the people that hurt him and took Jasmine from him.

His eyes get wide and he blanches white. "I might know where they are taking her."

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