Chapter One--

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Well... This is my first romance story on  here, I'm not a big sucker for romances but i like to try new things so here it is!! Probobaly be longer tomorow. Hope you all like!! Right now i dosent seem like much of a romance but it will be trust me  :)



Chapter One—

    You know how life always throws you through those loops and they end up making you a stronger, better person? That is what happened to me. I guess it happens to everybody though, right?

            It was summertime, North Carolina and the beaches. I will never forget it, even to

this day. Every year, my cousin and I practically lived at the beaches. I stared out onto the water as the sun was going down.

“Olivia! Do you want a marshmallow or should I just give it to Jake?” My cousin Joe called from the bonfire. He was two years older than me and was one of my best friends. I stood up and jumped at the offer.

“Don’t you dare give Jake my marshmallow or I will kill you all!” I yelled jumping over the log that was used as a bench to sit on. Mikaela, one of my best friends, was sitting on the opposite side of the fire, cuddling up to her boyfriend. She laughed at my excitement.

“Of course Olivia will kill everybody, she’s a marshmallow napper!” Mikaela exclaimed while laughing. She will never let that one go now will she? I sat next to Jake, who was holding the bag of marshmallows, and grabbed one. I proceeded to throw it at Mikaela’s face. Too bad I’m a bad shot. It hit her boyfriend, Nicholas, instead. Everybody laughed as he wiped marshmallow goo off his face.

            The bonfires on the beach were the best. When we were little kids, our parents all had to supervise us but now we were all older, they didn’t care how late we stayed out. I pulled my brown hair out of my face and into a ponytail, mainly so I wouldn’t get marshmallow in my hair like last time. Jake started to play with my ponytail. I looked over at him

“Get your fingers out of my ponytail,” I growled, “And give me a stick.”

            Jake shook his head and handed me a stick while I grabbed two marshmallows. Joe looked over at me from next to Jake.

“Your mom said to tell you that she thinks you’re a wiener,” Joe said, I gave him a look before lowering my marshmallow stick into the fire. I let it roast there while listening to everyone else talk and zoning out.

            If you looked farther down the beach, you could see other campfires and hear people joyously call and laugh. Joe stood up and walked to the cooler. He opened it and dug through its contents.

“What do you all want?” He asked, looking up. Jake called for a beer from right next to me. I knew it was just to piss me off too, I hated all that kind of stuff. I glared at him and in the split second I looked away, my marshmallow burst into flames.

“Ahh! Not Mr. GooGoo!” I exclaimed. Yep, I name my foods, something normal for an 18 year old. Mikaela jumped up as if her seat was on fire. Everyone looked at her as she squealed.

“Nicholas don’t ever do that again!” she screamed at Nicholas who was laughing.

“What’d he do?” I asked, Jake and Joe were laughing. They probably knew what just happened.

“He put ice down my back!” she yelled, grabbing an ice cube from her yellow tank top. My marshmallow fell into the fire and the stick was now burning. I took it out of the fire and stomped over to Nicholas. Waving it in his face I yelled.

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