Chapter Eight--

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A/N: I know, i know...Kitty has updated THREE DAYS in a row. This is because i'm trying to get so much in before i leave on my trip at the end of the month!! After that, everything will go back to normal so enjoy it while it lasts! Dont forget to comment, vote, and fan?


Chapter Eight—

When I woke up the next morning, I wasn’t in the armchair anymore. My hands were untied, as were my feet. Was I just dreaming? I had started to think it was just a dream before a tall guy walked into the room. Eric. I sat up in the bed and looked at my wrists.

“Yea, you’re untied. I trust you won’t go anywhere though,” he asked. It sounded sort of like a threat though. Not that I would leave anyways, he was mesmerizing.

“What do you want with me?” I asked, not entirely realizing it though until he chuckled.

“Well that would take all the fun out of this wouldn’t it?” Eric replied with a smirk. I gave him a blank look and he walked closer to where I was sitting on the bed.

“So, from what I know, you were traveling with Dustin Black?” he questioned me. Dustin Black? I didn’t even know he had a last name, I guess everybody has to have one right? I slowly nodded, was there something wrong?

“That’s what I thought. A real bullshitter sometimes right?” Eric questioned. I thought about this for a moment. He really was sometimes.

“Kind of sometimes. Why am I here though? Answer me honestly,” I demanded, looking him straight in the eyes. He had a very light shade of grey for an eye color. They seemed to stare into your soul. A flash of conflict went over his eyes before he covered it quickly.

“I can't, not now. Darryl will bring you up something to eat. For now, stay here. I will be back,” he quietly replied before walking out of the room. I heard the stairs creak as he walked downstairs. I quietly stood up and walked over to take a peek through the crack in the door.

     I could clearly see Eric run a hand through his dark hair before looking over to his two buddies, or whatever you could call them. Caleb snorted.

“What? Can't kill her? You could take two of em out at once, Eric,” Caleb jovially said to Eric. Darryl on the other hand smacked Caleb, hard. It was a little funny.

“Obviously he doesn't want to or he would’ve already. Are you trying to play it out right to get her pureblood?” Darryl asked Eric, who clearly looked almost mad now. Caleb looked at Darryl with an odd look.

“Now, why exactly would he want to do that? The girl we want is stuck in the other one’s body right now. He should just get rid of her and move on!”

“We can't, she’s the direct route to Dustin. We need the two of them, alive and together. You know that smart shit.”

     Caleb went to throw a slow punch at Darryl, who caught it easily. Eric had his back faced to the two of them and was pacing. The fight had advanced to the two almost wrestling on the floor. I watched as Eric angrily turned around and yelled at them to stop. He put his hand up and clenched his fist. The two had stopped now and were now moving around awkwardly, but obviously, in pain.

     He released his fist after a second, but the two still were gasping, trying to get the pain to stop.

“Now, won’t you two goons listen to me? I can't kill her. We have to get her back to her body,” he stated, still looking conflicted though. Why was this?

I got an odd feeling in the pit of my stomach. It wasn’t a bad feeling though, more like a calming feeling. I was so confused. Dustin never told me about this whole true love thing, what it’s supposed to feel like or anything. Was this what I’m supposed to feel? Eric couldn’t be my true love; I don’t even know who he was!

He was the bad guy too wasn’t he? He was the one that wanted me kidnapped. Oh how I wish Dustin was here right now to explain everything to me. I heard a big sigh from downstairs.

“No, we can't do it that way.” Eric simply said to the two.

     Suddenly I felt the searing pain once again. It was horrible and I fell onto the floor of the room, not before noticing Eric flinch at something. I heard a voice once again, not one that I could easily recognize though.

     How much longer? The voice asked another. I don’t know, we are quickly losing her though. Sorry Mr. Evans. A deeper voice replied to the one. There was silence before the first voice spoke again. This can’t happen; you’re here to help her.

     The pain ceased as quickly as it came on. I took a deep breath and regained myself before sitting up on the floor. I quickly crawled to the side of the bed as I heard footsteps walk up the stairs.

     Eric slowly walked in, holding a plate of toast for me. a couple minutes ago when I saw him, he looked well rested. Now, he looked slightly worn down, not old, just tired. It was a little odd if you ask me. He looked at me and gave me a warm smile before handing me the Styrofoam plate. I looked at him gratefully and took the plate.

“What’s wrong?” I quickly asked him before he left. He shook his head, obviously not willing to tell me. I huffed and ate the toast.

     Darryl came up minutes later to get the plate from me. I handed it to him and stood up, taking a look around the room. It was actually nice and adorned with different shades of red velvet. Darryl didn’t say one word before walking out of the room, shutting the door. I was left alone again. Looking down, I realized that I would need some new clothes and a brush. Probably a shower too. I made my way to the closet in search of something, anything.

     What I actually found was some shorts and a t-shirt that was a simple green color. That was the only thing in the closet. Somehow I knew Eric knew I would need this and took the liberty of getting me it. I looked out the window. I could escape right now if I wanted to. It would be easy, I think. Something in my brain told me not to though.

I took the clothes and slowly opened the door before looking down both hallways and walking slowly down the stairs. Once at the bottom, I looked left to the kitchen. Eric was sitting with his head down, a cup of coffee steaming beside him. To the right, Darryl and Caleb were laughing about something on the TV. This looked like a normal scene and yet it wasn’t. There were so many unanswered questions that I had. They wouldn’t be answered anytime soon, that I was sure of. I quietly made my way to the kitchen, my stomach slightly flipping though I don’t know why.

“Um, Eric?” I asked quietly. It was just enough for him to hear though and he turned around.

“What?” he flatly asked. I showed him the clothes.

“Can I shower?” I asked. He blinked a couple times before slightly smiling. He really didn’t seem like a kidnapper. If I had a guess, he was probably around Joe’s age, give or take a year. Just like Dustin.

“Sure, upstairs to the right,” he replied casually.

     I didn’t really know why I didn’t make a break for it. The door was right there. all I had to do was walk over and turn the handle. Simple right? Wrong.

     I realized this as I finished my shower and tried to open the window. Something pushed me back forcefully. I stared dumbly at it and tried to put my hand out the window once again. I was pushed back again. This whole thing was crazy.

     To start things off, I was in a coma. And yet I was still here, walking around. I was in Steph’s body, kidnapped, then treated as if I lived with these three guys. Not to mention how odd Eric was being. I didn’t even know him, and yet I felt like I somehow did. This whole thing was too confusing at the moment

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