8) Meant To Be

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Sherlock watched her for a moment, realising that she could either burst into tears or rip his head off in one move.
"John?" Molly uttered weakly.
The blue-eyes boy cleared his throat, staring down at his shoes.
"You told me it wasn't like that."
He had expected her to scream, but instead Molly's voice sounded cracked and broken. Sherlock gave a heavy sigh.
"And it's not!" He replied with a frown.
"Hell if I know, at least I think it's not!"
But just as Sherlock had thought, his girlfriend (not for much longer) wasn't taking it too well.
"It's fine," she mumbled, her head turning away in disapproval.
"You go to John, I'll be fine."
Sherlock watched her for a second before turning on his heel and making his way towards the door.
"I love you Molly Hooper."
He bustled out of the morgue and closed the door gently behind him. Molly knew that it couldn't be true, but she would always love that crying boy that she had met all those years ago.

Sherlock hastily made his way down the stone steps of the entrance and decided for a change not to call a cab. Instead, he pulled a gleaming lighter from his pocket and lit a fresh cigarette. The skinny boy pressed the cigarette against his cold lips and walked silently down the street, his mind wondering. That had been a bad move then. It seemed as though Sherlock couldn't even process how to talk to a girl properly. He gave a slight growl and kicked at a stone on the pavement before him, watching as it flew off and bounced from a car tyre. But he was fine with John, that was the problem. Sherlock had known that he was gay since a young age, but he just never liked to admit it. He assumed that it was out of fear. But John Watson, this amazing man that had stepped into his life, and maybe this time it was meant to be. The curly-haired boy took a long draw from the cigarette before placing it by his side. He strolled into Baker Street, his footsteps loud against the stone paves.

When he reached 221b, Sherlock quickly disposed of the cigarette and opened the door. He was greeted almost immediately by Mrs Hudson.
"John's been asleep for most of the morning," she explained with a light-hearted chuckle.
"Poor thing, I left him some food."
The landlady shuffled past him into the next room and Sherlock clambered up the staircase, eagerly awaiting to see his flatmate. When he entered the living room he noticed that John was now awake, wrapped in a blanket and nibbling away at a sandwich.
Sherlock gave a small smile and took the armchair opposite John, resting his laptop on his lap and kicking off his shoes.
"Sorry I left," he mumbled.
"Had a date."
John glanced up at him and stopped eating for a moment.
"A date? Oh Sherlock how did it go?" he asked curiously.
Sherlock rolled his eyes slightly.
"Could've gone better to say the least"
He frowned and opened up his laptop, finding Greg's email.
The blonde-haired boy gave a tired nod and started on another sandwich. Sherlock gazed up at John for a monte before turning back down and reading through Lestrade's old email.

Apologies for the other night, I hope you're feeling better now anyways. Thank you for the help though, you were right, what a surprise!
All the best,

Sherlock gave a small huff and gave a quickly-typed reply, thanking the inspector. He slipped shut the lid of the laptop and placed it on the table. There came a short tap on the door and a few seconds later it opened to reveal Mrs Hudson smiling warmly.
"Hello boys," she said happily, walking into the room and taking the empty tray of food.
"How are you feeling John?"
The mousy boy glanced up from his blanket fort and gave a small nod.
"Better thanks."
The old woman placed the tray down next to her and folded her arms.
"The forecast this morning said that there's going to be heavy snowing the next few days."
Both boys immediately turned to face her and Sherlock didn't quite understand why the landlady was still here.
"Maybe you two could both watch a movie or something. I mean you'll be stuck inside for quite a while"
Of course, the curly-haired boy understood now. Mrs Hudson was trying to get the two to date.
"Well I'm very busy and I'm sure John has his novel to finish," Sherlock replied, clearing his throat.
John's face turned a rosy shade of red.
"Well I'm not that busy," he mumbled.
"And I wouldn't mind watching a film if we're going to be stuck indoors."
Mrs Hudson clapped her hands together and collected the empty food tray again.

"I'll leave you boys to it," she chirped, and left the room.
Sherlock turned to face John.
"So a movie night then," he said with an air of awkwardness.
His roommate nodded gleefully.
"Yep," he agreed.
"Where do you keep your movies?"
Sherlock raised his eyebrow.
"The drawer under the tv."
Both boys got to their feet and John pulled out a pile of old DVDs tucked inside of the cabinet.
"So which one then?" John asked with a smile.
Sherlock had only just noticed how pretty John's smile actually was. Because it wasn't forced at all, it was genuine.
"I like the first one," the skinny boy decided, pointing to a dusty DVD cover.
"Sherlock we can't watch Silence of the Lambs!"
Sherlock gave a pathetic frown.
"What about this one?" John asked, pulling out the bottom disc.
"The Lady and The Tramp?" Sherlock asked quizzically, but a smile still placed firmly on his lips.
John chuckled.
"I'm actually a huge Disney nerd believe it or not," he said grinning.
The taller boy raised an eyebrow.
"Funnily enough I can believe that."
The two both broke into laughter, pure laughter.
"Lady and the Tramp it is."


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