9) Movie Night

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Sherlock sat besides the DVD player whilst John made himself comfortable on the sofa, clutching to a blanket. The skinny boy got to his feet and decided to sit alone in his armchair, not wanting to disturb him.
"Hey Sherlock there's room for you on this sofa to!" His roommate exclaimed with a chuckle.
The curly-haired boy couldn't tell if John was joking or actually being serious. But after thinking it through he gave a small nod and sat next to the blonde boy, secretly grateful.
Sherlock reached for the remote and pressed play, then leant back against the sofa casually. The movie appeared on the screen and the youngest Holmes brother watched John from the corner of his eye as he gave a stifled yawn before smiling.
"You know this is one of my favourites," John said grinning, turning to face Sherlock.
Sherlock chucked.
"Really? I never would of guessed."
His roommate's face quickly grew a bright shade of red and they both began to giggle like little school-children.

The movie carried on for another hour before it was obvious that both boys were starving.
"As nice as those sandwiches were, I don't think they were very filling," John complained, crossing his arms on his stomach.
Sherlock snapped his head away from the TV and gave a small nod.
"Uh huh."
John watched Sherlock's gaze.
"Takeaway?" He asked hopefully.
The rain had began to patter gently onto the window, a perfect night to be inside.
"Sounds great," the tall boy answered relieved.
John thought for a moment.
"God yes."
Sherlock paused the DVD and his blonde companion shot up from his seat and scurried around for a menu. Eventually, he recovered it from a dusty chest of drawers and made his way back over to Sherlock.
"What do you fancy?" John asked sweetly.
"I'll have a tuna one," the curly-haired boy decided, pressing a finger to his lips.
John frowned slightly but his smile was still soft.
"Well I'm going to have a pepperoni," he announced.
He slipped his phone from his pocket and dialled the number of the pizza delivery. Sherlock watched him do this, listening to the rain growing heavier.
"They said around ten minutes," John explained, slumping back onto the sofa.
Sherlock nodded brightly and turned back on the Disney movie, and the two watched in comfortable silence.

"Boys there's a delivery for you!" Mrs Hudson's voice wafted up the stairs.
John got to his feet but Sherlock insisted that he get it, he had the money anyway. A few minutes later the skinny boy returned holding two large boxes of pizza and placed them upon the table.
"Brilliant," John exclaimed with an exited grin, and prizing open his box, taking a large slice.
Sherlock opened his own box and began to nibble on a small crust. They were far into the movie now and had just reached a rather romantic scene.
"Have you seen this before Sherlock?" the shorter roommate asked curiously, turning to his friend.
Sherlock nodded briefly, glancing away from the box.
"Two dogs share a strand of spaghetti. It's iconic apparently," he answered casually.
John chuckled lightly.
"I find it rather cute actually."
This made Sherlock smile slightly, however he didn't want John to see this. The two returned to their comfortable silence, nibbling away at their pizza and eyes fixed on the tv.

Once the movie ended, Sherlock hastily turned off the tv and turned towards John. But to his amusement, the blonde boy was fast asleep, clutching to a blanket. Sherlock got to his feet and gently laid the blanket over him and propped a pillow under his soft head. The skinny boy gave one last glance at his roommate before heading towards the bathroom and changing into his pyjamas. They were silver, silk, and Sherlock felt quite mature wearing them. Once he had finished getting ready, he stepped out, giving a last glance at John, before heading off to bed. A new single bed had arrived in the spare room a few days ago, and now Sherlock willingly slept there, while John had the double. He had to admit that sometimes he was lonely at nights, however the skull kept him company. But this time, since his roommate was already asleep, Sherlock gently slipped into the double bed, a feeling of warmth suddenly engulfing him. Sherlock pulled the duvet over himself and rested the side of his head onto the pillow. He fell asleep almost in an instant, his stomach filled with the delicious pizza from earlier. In Sherlock's mind, the night had been amazing.

Everything was dark. All Sherlock could now suddenly hear was the slow creaking of the door. It was two am and something had woken him up out of the blue. Hastily, he reached out for a lamp and light immediately flooded through the room, revealing a shabby looking John stood by the door. The skinny boy sat up at once and watched him slowly.
"Sorry," his roommate mumbled with a yawn.
"I just woke up and it's freezing out there."
Sherlock eyed him cautiously, his head heavy.
"Oh my apologies, I'll go back to the spare room," he replied sadly.
John shook his head.
"I was hoping maybe you could..stay?"
Their eyes met for a second and Sherlock nodded quickly.
"Stay? S-stay of course I can," he stammered, slightly confused.
John bowed his head and clambered in next to Sherlock, un-phased. The lamp was switched off and for a moment the two were left in silent darkness.
"Goodnight Sherlock," John said suddenly, breaking the silence.
"Goodnight John."


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