Chapter 2-Cadmus

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The sirens were loud as they arrived on site of the fire at Cadmus. People were shouting through the windows for help as the flames grew larger. Just then the second floor was engulf in flames and the blast sent the two workers out the window, falling towards the ground below. 

Kid Flash didn't give it a second thought as he ran towards them. He quickly traveled up the side of the building, catching the men whom were falling. He quickly lands them safely onto the roof but loses his gripping and begins to slid down ward. Wally suddenly grabs hold onto the broken window. 

"Hey it's Flash Boy!" yelled on of the fire fighters down below. Wally rolled his eyes.

"Kid Flash! Why is it so hard?" Wally said as he hung on.

Robin and Aqualad quickly ran forward. Robin hearing what the fire fighter said gave a tiny chuckle, then he typed onto his wrist computer. 

"So smooth" Robin's computerized voiced said. Robin shock his head as he watch his best friend.

"Does he always run ahead? We need a plan, We---Robin?" Aqualad said but stopped when he looked down and saw that Robin was no longer standing beside him. Aqualad sighed. Just then, Robin's signature laugh was hear. Aqualad quickly looked back onto the scene ahead of him.
Out of nowhere Robin did a front flip onto the firetruck and quickly shot out his grappling hook and swong towards Kid Flash. Robin landed on the window seal and reached down to pull Kid Flash up and into the building. 

Aqualad shock his head and ran towards the fire fighters, he soon managed to get to the second floor window, where his team had entered just moments ago.

Inside the room, Robin was busy typing his way on the computer. Kid Flash was off in the corner digging through some files.

"Appreciate the help." Aqualad said harshly towards Robin. 

Robin turned around with a smile on his face. He pressed his wrist computer, "You handled it. Besides, we're here to investigate. Poetic Justice, remember?" Then he quickly went back to typing on the computer before him. Wally let out a small moan, letting Robin know that this wasn't any fun, searching through files. Out of the corner of Robin's eyes he could see Aqualad walking around. 

A loud beep broke the silence. Robin turned towards Kid Flash who smiled widely at him.

"There was something in the--" Aqualad said but was cut off by Kid Flash speeding in. 
"Elevators should be locked down." said Kid Flash.

Robin rushed in and almost fell over. He lost his balanced and braced his hands on Wally's shoulder and arm. He was a little lightheaded all of a sudden. Wally quickly looked over at him, worry written on his face, but Dick patted his shoulders. He had to push it aside and fully focus on the mission at hand. He shook his head and pulled up his holo screen from off of this wrist computer. 

"This is wrong" he typed into his wrist. "This is a high-speed express elevator. It clearly doesn't belong in a two-story building." 
Aqualad stepped forward a bit, "Neither does what I saw'' he said. Kid Flash and Robin glanced over at him. He quickly walked forwards and pushed the elevator doors open. They joined him and glanced down wards into the long and dark elevator shaft.

"Whoa" said Kid Flash and he moved back an inch.

"And that's why they need an express elevator" Robin typed. He then shot one of his gadgets to the ceiling of the elevator shaft and then he jumped down, Aqualad and Kid Flash grabbing ahold of the wired rope and following their team mate downwards into the darkness.

Robin quickly typed out once he stopped. 
"I'm at the end of my rope." He was very surprised, he had never made it to the end of his rope before. He quickly swinged back and force, giving his body momentum to jump forward. Robin sat down on the small edge and pulled his holo screen up while Aqualad helped pull Kid Flash off the rope and onto the edge. Robin worked his computer magic and bypassed the security. Aqualad pulled the doors apart, reviling project Cadmus to them.

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