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Zach's POV

Matt and I were playing Call of Duty when the girls walked in.

"Yes ?" Matt asked

"We're bored" Carly said

"We'll were busy" I said

"I hope a bird poops on you" Katy said

"That's rude" I said

"Tough love" Matt said laughing

Carly gave him a glare like quit it. Why would she look at him like that if she didn't know anything....

"Who wants to come with me to get food ?" Katy asked

"I do" Matt said

"Okay. You go with Matt while I stay here with Zach" Carly said

"Sounds good. We'll be back" Matt said

"Bye babes" Carly said

"Bye boyfriend & girlfriend" Matt said laughing

"Bye besties" I said

"Bye hotties" Zach said laughing

So Carly & I talked about random stuff until we got on the topic of Katy.

"So" Carly said

"So ?" I asked

"Okay I want you to be honest. Do you like Katy" Carly asked

"Uhh" I said

"Zach" Carly said

"Yeah" I said embarrassed

"It's fine" Carly said

"Do you think I have a chance ?" I asked

"Of course. You guys where a match made in heaven" Carly said

"So she likes me ?" I asked

"I can't say. Girl code" Carly said

"Hahah okay" I said

"I think you should go for it. Take the step. Make a big move" Carly said

"You know what. I will" I said

"Thata boy" Carly said smiling

Katy's POV

Matt was driving because well I obviously didn't have my license.

We were talking about football until he changed the subject to Zach.

"Okay just be honest. You like Zach don't you" Matt said

"Um" I said

"Katy be honest" Matt said

"Yeah" I said embarrassed

"You're fine. There's no need to be embarrassed" Matt said

"Do I have a chance?" I asked

"100%" Matt said

"Really?" I asked in shock

"Yup. No doubt about it" Matt said

"Does he like me?" I asked

"Can't say. Guy code" Matt said smirking

"Fine" I said

"You wouldn't break girl code would you ?" Matt asked

"No" I said

"So I wouldn't break guy code" Matt said

"Good point" I said

"After 'dinner' we should all go see a movie. It could be like a couple thing" Matt said

"That sounds good. But we're not a couple" I said

"Doesn't matter. Everyone thinks so and it looks like it" Matt said

"Oh" I said

"Can you text Carly and see if they're up for it" Matt asked

"Sure" I said

~texting Carly~

Me- Hey i gotta tell u something

C- so do I !

Me- you first !

C- I know I promised not to tell but I have to ! Zach likes you ! And he took my advise and will make a move some time soon !

Me- OMG !!!!!

C- I know !

C- what do u gotta tell me ?

Me- Matt wants to know if after dinner me & Zach & you & him can go watch a movie like a "couple thing" ?

C- I'm fine with that and so is Zach

Me- okay ill tell him. I can't wait to talk about the "secret" with you !!!

C- I know !!!!

Me- gtg ordering food txt u later

C- byeeeee

~taco bell drive threw~

~ordered food~

"Carly said its fine with her and Zach" I said

"Okay great" Matt said

~skip drive back home~

Zach's POV

Matt and Katy got back home with the food and Katy had this happy look on her face and Matt looked like he was dying to tell me something.

"Zachy poo I need to talk to you" Matt said

"About what" Carly & Katy asked

"Guy busniess" Matt said

"Like?" The girls asked

"Guy areas" Matt said

"Oh ew" they said

"Hahah" I said

Matt & I walked up into my room. Before I could take a breath he shut and locked the door.

"What's wrong ?" I asked

"I have news!!!!" Matt said

"And that is ?" I said

"I know I said I wouldn't tell but I have to. Katy likes you !!!!" Matt said

"Seriously ?" I asked shocked

"Yeah she told me !!!!" Matt said

"Carly asked me the same thing and she said I should make a move" I said

"You need too" Matt said

"Well we are going to a movie. Perfect place" I said

"There we go" Matt said

~end of chapter~

Friends with benefitsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora