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~Car ride~

Katy's POV

Zach,Matt,Carly,& I are all going to the movies. Matt said we could go as "couples" because supposably everyone thinks Zach & I are dating.

Carly told Zach that he should make a move soon and he said he was going to. But sadly we don't know when.

Zach & Matt sat in the front while Carly & I sat in the back so we could talk about Zach.

"What if he makes a move here ?" Carly said with a huge smile on her face

"Well he makes a move" I said

"Way to kill the mood" Carly said

"You gotta think, what if he doesn't, I don't wanna get my hopes up for nothing" I said

"Good point" Carly said

"If he does make a move, what do you think he'll do ?" I asked

"The classic, I'm going to yawn and put my arm around you" Carly said

"That's so cheesy" I said laughing

"It will do for now" Carly said laughing

"What are you laughing at ?" The boys asked

"Oh nothing" I said

"Hmmm sure" Zach said sarcastically

I just stuck my tongue out at him and he smiled at how I responded.

~in the movie theater~

Zach's POV

Matt bought 4 tickets to Anchor Man 2

"Let's go buy snacks" Matt said

"Let's go in pairs" Carly said

"Zach & Katy, Me & You" Matt said pointing to Carly

"Okay" I said

"Sounds good" Katy said

After Matt & Carly went across the theater to the other snack bar Katy & I went to the one near us.

"Um Katy" I asked

"Yeah ?" She asked

"Is it okay if um maybe I put my arm around you ?" I asked

"Sure" she said

Point for Zach !

"You shouldn't have to ask" Katy said

"Well I thought I should ask because you know, we're not a couple" I said

"It's fine. I don't mind" Katy said smiling

I smiled back

"So what snacks do you want ?" I asked

"Popcorn,cookie dough bites, and anything else you want" she said

"We could share a large popcorn ?" I asked

"Sounds good. Are you gonna get m&m's ? I know you want to" she said laughing

"Hahah yes I am" I said

M&m's are my favorite thing to get when I'm the movies, besides for popcorn.

Katy smiled back.

I felt my phone vibrate and I checked who it was. Matt.

~message from Matt~

M- how's it goin ? Made a move yet ?
Me- I guess you could say I did
M- what'd u do ?
Me- I put my arm around her waist
M- Score !!!! Good start !!!!!
Me- thanks bro
M- we'll meet u in 10
Me- K

~end of convo~

"Who was that ?" Katy asked

"Matt. He said he's gonna meet us in 10 min" I said

"Oh okay" she said

"Wanna get something to drink ?" I asked

"Of course" she said

"Okay" I said

"Wanna share ?" She asked

"Do u wanna ?" I asked

"Yeah" she said

"Okay. What do u want ?" I asked

"Rootbeer !" Katy shouted

"I knew it" I smirked

Root beer is Katy's favorite soda ever.

Katy & I walked to the middle of the theater where we're suppose to meet Matt & Carly.

"Oh what's going on here ?" Matt asked smirking

"Nothing" I said giving him a dirty look

"Well something went on cause your arm is around Katy" Matt said smirking

"His arm is around my waist. Is that really a big deal ?" Katy asked

"No I'm just teasin" Matt said

"You're so rude sometimes" Carly said glaring at Matt

"Okay so the movie is in room 1" Matt said

"Ooooo it was meant for us" Katy said smiling

"Hahah yup" I said

"Let's go" Carly said

"Okay we all said"

~in the room watching the movie~

Katy's POV

Zach's arm never left me. The only time he lifted it was to put it around my neck when we sat down.

Our hands met a couple of times when we went to grab popcorn. Carly was smirking at me the whole time giving me a thumbs up.

I guess you can say Zach did make a move and you could tell it was a huge step for his part.

"Can I put M&m's in the popcorn ?" Zach asked whispering

"Haha yes, I was waiting for you to ask" I said

Zach just smiled. I could see the crease of his smile in the darkness of the room.

I turned to Zach and we made eye contact. We just staired at each other for a while. What he did next surprised me.

~end of chapter~

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