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Katy's POV

Today is Formal. Yeah Zach was super late to ask but the way he did it was really cute and its the thought that matters. After the game Carly & I went to go dress shopping while the guys went to go buy tuxedos.

I decided on a light blue dress. It's really pretty. It's a tight dress at the top and towards the bottom it gets loose. Carly decided on a pink dress somewhat like mine. Hers would be my second choice. After we picked the dresses we texted the boys to let them know what color the dress was so they could pick out the ties for the suits.

Zach's POV

Tonight is formal. The big night. I went suit shopping with Matt while Katy went dress shopping with Carly. I couldn't wait to see Katy in her dress. She's gonna look so pretty. Well when doesn't she look pretty ;) ?

~hour before Formal. Zach's house~

"Aw Zach you look so handsome" my mom said

"Thanks mom" I said

"Zach. Look at you. You're a grown man. Just yesterday you were learning how to walk" my dad said

"Dad, stop. You're gonna get all teary eyed" I said

"Sorry son. It's just time flies" my dad said

"Yup. It does" I said

"I'm so glad you found the right girl. Katy is such a sweetheart. You better not break her heart" my mom said

"I wouldn't think about it" I said

"What do you plan on doing after formal ?" My dad asked

"Um I don't know" I said

"Just remember. Use protection" my dad said smirking

"DAD!!!! Don't forget this still is my best friend were talking about" I said

"Oh don't act like you wouldn't want to sleep with her" my dad said

I started to get red. Of course I did. What could I say, She was my girlfriend. But come on, who wouldn't want to sleep with her ? She had an amazing body from how athletic she is.

"Ugh fine. Ill be smart if anything happens" I said

"Thata boy" my dad said

"Oh it's time for you to pick up Katy. Say hi to her parents for us. Make sure they get a picture of you guys together" my mom said

"Okay. Bye. Love you guys" I said

"Love you too" I said

I got into my car and just sat there. I took out my phone and texted Katy.

~texting Katy~

M: On my way. Can't wait to see you. Love you 😘

K: Can't wait to see you too. Love you 😘

~end of conversation~

(M, when one of the characters are talking, and it's their POV, it stands for Me)

~end of chapter~

Hi guys !!!! So I made a new story called "should I feel this way ?" I'm going to be updating both stories so you're going to have to be patient with me. I may not update for a couple of days because I'm going to be moving rooms an I have family moving out so its crazy at my house right now. Anddd were painting rooms and getting new furniture so it's all a mess right now. Well I hope you enjoy ! Byeeeee :)

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