Chapter 1

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[Percy Pov]
           I curl closer in on myself in the corner trying to protect my prize, as Smelly Gabe approached. "What have you got there" he said innocently. His face turned vicious, he grabbed a fist full of my shaggy black hair. I silently cried out as he yanked my up so far my eight year old body was dangling from my hair. He snatched my prize away, " Oh.. so you managed to smuggle a picture of the b*h away from me... smart but not smart enough." He said threateningly.

            He punched me in the gut several times, them he let go of my hair. I crumbled to the ground, continuing my torture he kicks me more times than I can count. And finally, after I fell burning pain from some of my ribs, threw me in to 'my room' which he calls 'the room of blades', because he breaks all his beer bottles in and leaves the shards on the floor. He throws me in here for 'punishment' and to learn 'lessons'.

        Percy crawls over the shatter glass getting cuts everywhere, curls in on himself, squeezes his eyes shut, and gets lost in his thoughts. It hurts so much. I wish mommy was here... Smelly Gabe 'took care' of her. Mommy was serving Gabe beer and bean dip when he grabbed her bottom, she slapped him. He seemed to let it go, I went to bed sleeping soundly through the night. The next morning mommy was no where to be found, I asked Gabe and he said he took care of her. That was six months ago. The only lessons I have learned from this life are, don't trust anyone, because once apon a time Gabe was nice and caring. Lesson two crying is bad, lesson three talking makes worse. Now I don't talk at all, don't laugh, don't smile. I keep my head down and try and make it through the days. How will I survive... is his final thought before he falls asleep.

        He awakens to Gabe dragging him out of 'his room' Percy can tell he is very drunk. All of his poker buddies, who must have come over when he was sleeping are passed out on the couch. Gabe drags him in to the worst room in the house. This is where the worst torture goes on. On the walls there are whips, guns, knives, and other torture devices. In the middle of the room there is a bed with lots of different restraints, Gabe throws him on the bed and ties him down. He grabs a nasty looking knife from the rack and drags it slowly from Percy's right shoulder to his left hip. Over and over and over again. Than he does it the opposite way from left shoulder to tight hip making an x on his chest. Percy silently screams. Just more scars in my collection he things darkly. Gabe unties him grabs his limp form and throws him back in to 'his room'. Percy passes out from blood lose. Right before he goes into the bliss full darkness he wonders if he will finally get the gift of death, and maybe see his mom.

Hello wonderful readers!
This is my first try at a fan fiction. Please don't judge to hard... anyway what do you think?!?! I am really excited for this! Thank you for reading!
Love Lucy

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