Chapter 2

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Jack Frost

"So Jack, what do you want to do?" Elsa asked out of the blue. We were by the balcony as I stared at the view of the kingdom of Arendelle. The truth is I really don't know what I want to do. It's all so weird. I've always known what I wanted to do. But since I met her, everything's changed. I don't know what I wanted to do anymore. Just as I was about to answer, a dark shadow moved behind me. I could tell without looking, because it's all too familiar.

"Huh?" I turned around. There was nothing there. I shrugged it off, thinking I was worrying too much. Besides, I was there to protect her.

"Jack, is everything alright?"

"Oh, yeah. I'm sorry, what did you say?"

"I asked you what you wanted to do."

"Oh, anything would be nice."

"Would you like to go around the town for a little while before the party tonight? You are coming, right?"

"Sure. I'd be honored, Your Majesty."

"I'll go ask Anna and Kristoff if they want to come too. Meet us by the gates." She walked down the staircase, her frost cape trailing behind her.


I knocked on Anna's door.

"Come in!" She called out.

I opened the door and stepped inside. She was answering some of the letters of the different princes that wanted to marry me. Ugh.

"What are you doing there?" I asked her, peeking a bit over her shoulder to see what she had written.

"Oh, yeah. This one's for the Duke of Weasletown." She giggled, picked one up and read it out loud.

"Duke of Weasletown, may I inform you that my sister, Queen Elsa, is NOT interested in you, after showing her your bald head and calling her a monster. Sincerely, Princess Anna of Arendelle."

I couldn't help but laugh at her letter to the Duke. It was like she wasn't even trying to make it a polite letter, especially when she said something about his bald head.

"Hahahahaha! Anna! That letter was... WOW! Hahaha!" I laughed uncontrollably, then she laughed along.

"Serves him right for stepping on my feet at the dance with his chicken-like moves!" We laughed uncontrollably until Kristoff cleared his throat.

"Hey girls, ready to go? Me and Jack will be waiting downstairs."

"Okay! Just a minute!" Anna called out as Kristoff walked down the hall.

The she said to me, "Where exactly are we going?"

"To town. We'll be back before the party tonight."

"Okay." After a few minutes she was ready.


"Hello Queen Elsa!" A little girl about 6 with braided blond hair skipped up to us.

"Hello there. What's your name?"

"I'm Penny."

"Nice to meet you, Penny. Would you like to take the honor of giving Princess Anna and Kristoff the royal tour?"

"Yes! Yes! I would love to!" The giggled excitedly.

"Thank you. As a token of my appreciation, I give you this." I made a beautiful ice tiara for the little girl and put it on her head.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" She curtseyed.

"Now, Jack, shall we start meeting more people?"

"Sure. I'll just keep an eye out."

"Ooh! Let's go over there!" I pulled him to a stall that sells bracelets and necklaces.

Pitch's POV

"Ah, dear snow queen. Soon you will be mine. If only that Jack Frost will go out of the way. I've heard of a ball tonight. Am I invited?"

Jack's POV

I never saw the shadow today. I felt it was just my overreaction and stress, and that I should enjoy for a bit, like I used to. Bringing snow days, messing with Bunny, all that. Ever since Pitch came back I no longer held the meaning of fun. I was a stressed, overreacting guy now. Not the Guardian of Fun.

"Jack, are you ready for the party?" Elsa asked as she went inside the room.

"Oh, yeah." I wore a black suit, pants and shoes (ugh).

"You look nice in the suit." She complimented.

"Thanks. You look beautiful." She wore a dress similar to what she always wears but she didn't wear her frost cape.

"Thanks. I'll be in Anna's room if you need me."

"Sure." I laid down on the soft mattress, my feet dangling. I pointed my staff towards the ceiling and made frost, delicately made in beautiful patterns.

I walked to Anna's room to find Elsa and Anna talking about something I cannot hear.

"Hey Jack. You look different. Let me guess... It's your hair!" I walked inside the room. Anna laughed, but Elsa didn't look too happy. I wonder why...

"Oh, Jack, you can talk to some of the guests downstairs, just put the staff over there. Anna and I will be down in a sec. We'll lock the room so your staff is safe."

"I guess that'll be alright. I'll meet you guys downstairs."

Author's Note

Next chapter will be the party! :)

~ ElsaTheQueenOfSnow

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