Chapter 11

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I woke up - again - not in the hideout or something. I was back in Arendelle in my room.

"Hans?" I called out. I got no response.

"Hans? Are you in here?" I called out again, once more, getting no response. I sighed and threw my legs over the side of the bed and fixed myself up.

I opened the door and saw - the one and only - Jack Frost.

"What are you doing here?" I scowled. He should've been dead by now if it wasn't for my cruddy heart. Something inside me told me I didn't want to kill him.

"Where's Anna?" He asked, not paying attention to my question.

"Who in the world is Anna?" He seemed taken aback by my question.

"You don't remember who Anna is? She's your sister."

"Sister? I don't have any sister." I frowned at him.

"C'mon, come with me. I want to show you something." He suddenly pulled me through the halls, coming to a sudden stop, making me bump into him and fall.

"Oops, sorry." He helped me up. We were in front of the ballroom.

"Do you wanna build a snowman?" He asked.

"Do you wanna build a snowman?"

Where did I hear that? The memory was blurry but I was sure I heard that a long time ago.

"C'mon, c'mon, c'mon!" He pulled me inside the ballroom.

"C'mon, c'mon, c'mon!"

I'm pretty sure I heard it before, but where? It was a girl's voice, I'm sure, but I don't know who said it.

He waved his staff as I impatiently stood there with my arms crossed. He made a snowman with stick arms and put a carrot nose on him.

He waved the stick hands around and said, "Hi, I'm Olaf and I like warm hugs!"

Then it struck me.

"Do you wanna build a snowman?" Anna called me out of bed.

"C'mon, c'mon, cmon!" She giggled and pulled me through the halls and down the stairs.

"Shh!" I kept saying.

"Do the magic! Do the magic!" She pulled me into the ballroom.

I released snow into the air.

We made a snowman together and names him Olaf. "Hi, I'm Olaf and I like warm hugs!" I moved his stick hands around for Anna.

She jumped onto snow piles I made, going higher and higher saying, "Catch me!"

At one of the highest piles, I slipped just as she jumped.

"Anna!" I went to make a snow pile for her, but hit her head instead.

"Anna!" I ran towards her. A part of her hair turned white.

"Ahhh!" I clutched my head and fell to my knees. That was the memory I had forgotten, the memory I struggled to forget. It was a shame remembering it, painful, but at least I know I have a sister. Speaking of, where is she?

Is she still here? Did she have a kingdom of her own? I don't even know what she looked like now.

"Elsa! Are you alright?" Jack ran over to me.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Sorry it was short :P I have a lot of things coming up at school and no one's been answering my question from the previous chapter.

I'll ask again. Should I include Rapunzel as their cousin or not?

I'll give you a week to answer. If I get no responses, I will definitely include Rapunzel.

So how do you all think what Jack is up to to save Elsa? Private message me and if you are correct, I will dedicate the next chapter to you! (And also promote your stories and stuff :P) hehehe :D

Bye my snowflakes! :D

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