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You arrive to the Salvatore boarding house assuming that's is where she went, everyone knew about the Salvatore's so it was easy to find. I walk up to the door and it's open, I debate on walking in but Bonnie wanted me to find Elena so I am. I tried calling her before but I forgot she already told me her phone died at school so she didn't answer. Walking into the boarding house seemed wrong and I got an eerie feeling. i hear a crow behind me, i turn around and see a crow flying straight towards me, i spin around fast and meet face to face with a man. he had dark hair and bright eyes. He stares at me with curiosity.

I forget i just walked into this man's house and i seem to think clearly again. "Uh- sorry for barging in the door was-" as i turn around the door was shut. Wasn't it open just a couple moments before? Maybe i'm going crazy. "open." i finish. I look to see the man is still looking intently at me. He then starts to speak. "You must be Aubree, I'm damon, stefan's brother." I'm confused about how he knew my name, and stefan had a brother? Did stefan tell damon about me? Why? "stefan didn't tell me he had a brother." i reply. "Well stefan wasn't one to brag." he smirks. "please, come, i'm sure stefan will be here any minute now." I was gonna interrupt and say i'm not looking for him, but elena could be with stefan if she did what she said she was going to do. He leads me from the doorway entry into a big living room area. "Wow" i think outloud. "this is your living room?" i say astounded by the size of this place, i mean i knew it was big, i've just never seen it myself.

"Living room, parlor, Sotheby's auction. It's a little kitschy for my taste." he replies. I already like his sarcasm and sense of humor. He goes on to tell me about elena and stefan and why he understands. Apparently stefan is on the rebound from a girl named Katherine who died, but i wasn't gonna tell elena that. "So what about you, do you have a special someone." he smirks. "Actually no, and why would you like to know." i say back. "curious, that information may come in handy later." he says smoothly. A guy i just met was flirting with me. And he was pretty good looking so i wasn't objecting. As i was about to respond stefan walks in with a death glare towards Damon which makes me believe they are in some sort of quarrel. "hello stefan" damon says without looking at him. Stefan ignores him and acknowledges me, "Aubree." i quickly reply not wanting to get in the middle of these two. "i was just wondering if you knew where elena was, or if you've seen her today?" i question. "no, i haven't seen her today." "okay well i'm gonna go then" i say awkwardly and start to walk towards the door. "bye aubree." i hear damon say. "bye" i say to both boys and close the door behind me. I walk to my car with my head spinning about what just happened.

*Damon's pov*

I didn't want her to leave. Hoping she would stay but i guess the tension between stefan and i made it awkward. Something about her is mesmerizing. I felt like i could talk to her forever. A mental note was made to 'accidentally' run into her again. Stefan must have caught on by the way i was looking at her and he spoke up "no, not her damon, i know that look." "i like her, she's got spunk." i say and walk away.


*authors note*

sorry for the short update another will be coming soon but damon and aubree have met YAY, comment any feedback or suggestions :)

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