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(cool pic right ^^^^^)

*aubree's pov*

I quickly drive home and try to forget the strange situation but couldn't get his face out of my mind. He was hot and anyone with eyes could see it. When i get home i see elena in the kitchen and i remember what i had to ask. I walk over to her and notice jenna and elena in the kitchen talking about stefan. I decide to ask her later about it and i walk up stairs to go in my room. 

The next day was the night of the comet and elena, me and bonnie were passing out flyers along with a lot of other people. As we were walking bonnie brings up stefan. "he didn't call, huh" she starts. "or text, but i realized we never exchanged that stuff we never got to the texting part." elena replies. "that's an important milestone in any relationship" they have a conversation about elena's love life and i wander off. I look around and see caroline look intently at something then start walking towards it, she all of a sudden stops and looks confused. 

"Hey you ok" i ask her. "yeah i'm fine just thought i saw something" she says still kinda looking around. "ok?" i say questioningly and she quickly walks away. With nothing else eventful going on i decide to go home until the event starts. I took a shower and changed and right on que elena texted me 'u on your way?' i replied yes and made my way to town square. When i got there my friends were already here and caroline gave me a candle and started to walk to our group of friends. Over across i see elena and stefan talking and i'm immensely curious. I still wanted to ask him about that weird encounter yesterday but i haven't gotten around to it. Caroline and tyler start a conversation and i see matt stealing glances towards elena and stefan. "you don't have to feel like you have to be okay with this" i say. He looks at me and i continue "i mean she is your ex it is expected" "i know, thanks aubree, it's just hard seeing them together" he says sadly. i feel bad for him because before all this we were all best friends but now that they broke up it feels awkward and weird everytime we talk but i hope we can move past it fast, i need my best friend back. Still not interested in the conversation i'm currently in i tune out and maybe sorta eavesdrop on elena's conversation, which is way more interesting than mine.

I hear that he is telling elena everything i learned yesterday, about damon and his ex girlfriend who apparently is named kathrine. I'm glad he told her or i would've gone all protective against the guy who is keeping stuff for my sister. Plus he gets bonus points for not mentioning me, if elena knew that i knew then she would get mad at me and that's just not necessary. It wasn't my place to tell her, that was stefan's job, i'm just glad he told her. I've had enough of the comet so i decide to head into the grill. Everyone was still outside so it wasn't crowded, but soon will be so i quickly find a seat at the bar. Two seats down from me i see someone i recognize and when they turn to look at me i immediately know who it is, Damon salvatore.

*damon's pov*

I turn to my left and see the face i had been thinking about since the first time i saw it. I didn't like her i just thought she was pretty, she seemed nice and harmless but i had the sense of wanting to protect her. it was weird seeing as i only just met the girl briefly yesterday. "you're damon, right?" she asks. "yes, and you are aubree." we have a mild conversation about the comet and her friends walk in so she went to them. I don't know why but i wanted to keep talking to her, she seemed like the only decent person i came across in years, but i knew that by the time i'm done with this town, it won't matter, neither will anybody.

*aubree's pov*

Elena, matt, caroline and the rest of the group walked into the grill. I said a brief goodbye to damon and i was motioned over by caroline. "who were you talking to?" she asks. "oh, it's no one" i reply, I didn't know if he wanted his identity spread so I didn't say anything. In a small town, news travels fast. "i think i've seen him before, after the bonfire and earlier today." she says curiously. "i think he is new to town." i say. "yeah......" she says while staring at damon. We go back to our group and jeremy is coming over and saying how he can't find vicki. "you're her stalker you tell us." tyler retorts and i punch him arm, he just smirks back at me. He goes back to the subject of vicki "she probably found someone else to party with, sorry pill pusher i guess you've been replaced." i then bud in, "what's with the pill pusher?" i ask to tyler. "ask him." is all he says. "You wanna do this right now!" jeremy says annoyed.Elena then starts "are you dealing?!" I imagine my brother a drug dealer and i just think of the horrible way his life could turn out, I hear Jeremy saying he has had sex with Vicki multiple times and I shudder at the thought, what the hell else is going on with Jeremy I didn't know about. What a great sister I am.

I realize that Vicki might really be missing and I look around, Damon was gone from where he was sitting at the bar. He had a weird vibe to him and I wondered if he had anything to do with this. He couldn't be, could he? I made a mental note to steer clear of him in case he was bad news and my gut told me he was. Matt gets fed up with everyone fighting and tells everyone to just help him find his sister. Elena goes with Jeremy probably to give a lecture. I walk around town by myself needing some alone time but at the same time helping out matt.

In the distance I see two people on a roof, I get closer to see its Vicki, with Damon? I knew he had something to do with this. Stefan is climbing on the roof and I decide to follow him. When I reach the top I stop so they can't see me. Damon is talking and I can barely hear it, but Stefan is closer so I can actually hear him. They are saying that something attacked Vicki. A vampire? no, no, no , they aren't real that's isn't possible, I'm freaking out in my mind and screaming brings me back. Vicki screams "YOU DID" and I don't know who she is directing it to. Could vampires be real? Is there a whole history? Are Damon and Stefan vampires? all these questions and more were spinning In my head as I almost fell off the roof. I stumble getting down and I sit down to calm down as I am hyperventilating. Are they dangerous? Why here? just why? I stumble into the grill looking for bonnie and I see Stefan and I freeze.


*Authors note*

well that took forever, sorry. But here it is so thanks for reading :) <33 (heheh cliff hanger)


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