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Caroline said that Bonnie told her she was coming for dinner so they brought dessert. "hope you don't mind" i hear Damon say from behind. "I guess not?" I say questionably. Caroline walks in and Damon walks up to the door and stops. Stefan then walks up beside me and asks Damon what he is doing here and he responds with "waiting for Aubree to invite me in". "Uh, yeah co-" I was interrupted by Stefan saying Damon should leave I didn't really like him but it would be rude to turn him away so I decided to let him in "It's fine" I say to Stefan "you can come in" I direct towards Damon.

It's like he was making it obvious he was trying to get under Stefan's skin as he walked in while looking at him. Their little feud was none of my business so I ignored the glares between the brothers. I could have turned him away but like I said, that's rude. And even though Damon is strange he should still be given a chance, like how I gave Stefan a chance.

Let's see if this actually works out.

He complimented my home so points for positive attitude. We moved to the living room and Caroline started a conversation. She started with Stefan trying out for football. She seemed surprised about how it went. "I cannot believe Mr. Tanner let you on the team" Caroline said half laughing. And then she moves on to Elena and I at cheer practice.

Caroline has been one of my best friends since like the 2nd grade but this is high school and I love her but she can be a real bitch. But I try to see past that but she isn't helping herself there.

I'm fed up with Caroline and her bitching so i tune out i can hear her half apologize (not really) and Damon speaks up and says he knows what its like to lose both their parents so i guess he knows what I'm going through. The way he talked he seemed like they lost a lot of love ones.

I go to the kitchen to clean up and do the dishes because that conversation turned uncomfortable fast, so i excused myself and began. Right as I'm about to be done Damon walks in with another glass. "one more" he says strolling in, "thank you" and right when I'm about to grab it he drops it then catches it right above the ground. Thank god, saved me the trouble of cleaning broken glass. "nice save" i say with a small laugh. 

He hands me the glass successfully and proceeds to speak.  "i like you, you know how to laugh" i smile at the compliment. "your sister makes Stefan smile and that's something i haven't seen in a very long time ." My train of thought went to how earlier he said he didn't want to bring 'her' up and i assumed he meant Kathrine. i decide to ask him about it. "earlier did you mean Kathrine?" He helps me load the dish washer as he reply's "mm-hmm" "how did she die?" it was probably very inappropriate for me to ask but i was curious . "Fire, tragic fire". he looks lost in thought and i now regret asking but i dig further. 


"feels like it was yesterday."

"what was she like?"

"well, she was beautiful a lot like you in that department, also very complicated and selfish and at times not very kind but very sexy and seductive."

the way he talks about her i just assume he dated her too. " so which one of you dated her first?"

"nicely deduced" he chuckles.

"ask Stefan" he continues "i'm sure his answer differs from mine"

I let that go assuming he doesn't want to talk about it anymore. I finish the dishwasher and begin to fold he towels. Damon then walks over to me. "i think your sister should quit cheer leading" he says "she probably is going to honestly." i reply.

"well what about you?" he says while folding.

"what about me?"

"are you gonna quit, i saw you at that practice too ya know" he says smirking.

"i don't know , I used to love it but now after everything that happened last spring, i kinda don't want to do anything."

"give it time, plus i like you as a cheer leader." 

I give a small laugh and we go into a quick silence. Then i speak up "I'm sorry"

he looks at me confused and I elaborate "about Kathrine, you lost her too" 

he looks shocked at my words and i am too honestly. at the beginning of the night i didn't even really like the guy but this conversation made the bad feeling go away.

He looks at me with a feeling i can't describe and i feel like he is about to say something but Bonnie and Elena come snapping us back to reality. 

"need some help?' they asks and i smile and nod while Damon replies "sure why not"

*3rd person pov*

Damon leaves the girls to the dishes and joins Stefan and Caroline in the living room. He notices that Stefan is commenting on her scarf and buds into the conversation. Stefan knows what his brother is doing by how he compels Caroline to leave the room, at least it gives them a chance to talk. 

After they are alone Stefan then says "they are people, Damon. Shes not a puppet, she doesn't exist for your amusement, for you to feed on whenever you want to!" he says frustrated and disappointed. 

"Sure she does they all do." Damon reply's a matter-of-factually. 

Damon continues, "they're whatever i want them to be, they're mine for the taking ."

"alright you had your fun , you used Caroline, you got to meet Aubree, good for you, now it's time for you to go." Stefan says demanding.

"That's not a problem because I've been invited in and i'll come back tomorrow night and the following night and I'll do, with aubree, whatever i want to do, because that is what is normal to me." Damon finishes his statement and earns a glare from Stefan. 

*Aubree's pov* 

Elena always tells me that journals help with all kinds of feelings so I've decided to start one here is my first entry:

dear diary, 

         so I'm not really the kind of person to write in a diary but its worth a try. Last spring my parents veered off of whickery bridge and passes away. Tragic right? well i haven't really been dealing with it right and suppressed everything while also ignoring everything that breathes. and now school is back so i'm surrounded by them 24/7 so i'm basically in living hell. But i found someone who seems just as tragic as me, not sure if that is a good or bad thing. Not to mention he is smoking hot, like damn.........

Ugh this is stupid, and why am i even writing about Damon. I tear out the page and crumple it in the trash can. Maybe i'm just not one of those people to put all their feeling down on paper. I try to sleep but have a weird and strange feeling the whole time. I think about tonight and my interaction with Damon. UGH WHY DO I KEEP THINKING ABOUT HIM!!

I eventually drift into the world of sleep.


*authors note*

well this was a long time coming. 

i didn't think people liked this story but i logged back on AND OVER 1K READERS WHAAAAA

i decided to regularly update or try to at least because its summer break and i have a bunch of time so yeah, sorry for grammar or spell error btw i just wrote them published 

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