Chapter 2- I Missed The Bloody Phone.

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For the first time this week, the trauma unit in Holby City Hospital was rather quiet, which was usually a bad thing, something you would never say out loud, otherwise you risk jinxing the calmness of the hospital. Every nurse and doctor knows you should never say a hospital is quiet because then chaos arises. If you say its quiet you're bound to end up having a collapsed building, and suddenly six trauma patients arriving swiftly into your unit, Serena thought to herself, running her hands through her hair as she sat at her desk, thinking of none other than Bernice Wolfe. "Its rather quiet today Aunty Serena." Jason exclaimed, looking rather confused. "Why is that?" the young porter asked. Serena sighed heavily; knowing that her young autistic nephew had just jinxed the calmness and knew that there would soon be a storm of trauma patients flooding through the trauma unit's doors at any moment. "What is it Aunty Serena? Have I said something wrong?" Jason asked, looking rather scared that he had upset or offended his much loved Aunt. "What? No, of course not Jason, you could never upset me." Serena explained, before being interrupted by a rather smiley Fletch, who had just returned back to the unit, after the incident in which left him immobilized for weeks. "Sorry to interrupt Doctor Campbell, but I've just received a phone call, collapsed building, six on their way." Fletch explained, looking rather worried. "Oh for peats sake." The brunette cursed, before placing her phone on her desk. "Jason, you stay here, and play on my phone for now." She said, turning to her nephew. "Of course Aunty Serena." The young porter smiled, taking his Aunties office chair, as Serena turned on her heal and left her office to get ready for the arrival of her patients.

Five patients she would have to tend to today. Five. One patient was DOA (that's Dead On Arrival, to those residents that don't know this). Serena could already tell that this would be a long and tiresome shift. "You had to go and bloody jinx it, didn't you Jason." Serena thought to her self, cursing her poor nephew, although deep down she know that trouble was on its way, ever since she thought about how quiet the hospital had been. Serena gowned up, knowing her patients wouldn't be in a pretty state, and quite frankly she didn't want to ruin her new blouse that had cost a fortune. "Right you are Fletch, who do we have first?" Serena asked, walking over to the first gurney which Fletch was stood at. "Eight year old Nathan. Complains of chest pains, says that half of the building fell on him. I'd say he's a little soldier, wouldn't you?" Serena quivered at the word soldier, as it reminded her a little too much of a certain Major Wolfe.

"Right you are Nathan, yes a soldier you say Fletch?" Serena smiled, a sort of distant smile at her young patient as she inspected the breathing of the young boy through her stethoscope. "Right, I'm going to need a chest x-ray for our young soldier." Serena explained, before moving on to Raf's patient, thirty-six year old Natalya, parent to Nathan. "Where's Nathan?! I need to find my son!" Natalya shouted, ordering Raf to let go of her, as she wriggled in her gurney. "Ah, you must be Natalya, yes, well I can tell you now, Nathan is going to be alright. I've sent him for a chest x-ray, but I can tell you he is perfectly fine, I expect he's got chest bruising, but nothing too serious." Serena explained, before her patient creased in pain. "Ah Natalya, what seems to be the problem?" Serena asked, knowing fully well what the problem was, just looking at her patient, who was holding her abdomen. "Ah, stupid question." Serena said aloud, not realizing. "Right I want 5mg of morphine, and an ultrasound right now." She ordered Raf, in a rather snappy manor.

Meanwhile in the office Jason grabbed his Aunts phone, so he could play his favorite game of 'Hill Climb Racing'. He unlocked his Aunt's phone, knowing her simple password, to reveal her messages to Bernice Wolfe. Showing no reply from Bernie, Jason knew how hard it must be for his Aunt. He thought to himself for a moment, before typing out a three-letter message to Bernie, 'I MISS YOU.' "I'm so sorry Aunty Serena." The young porter said, before clicking the send button, smiling to himself. He then exited the messages, before playing his game.

Else ware in Holby City Hospital Serena's patient Natalya had taken a turn for the worse, passing out on her gurney in front of Raf and Serena. "Right Raf, you're scrubbing in with me today." She explained, as they rolled her rather sick patient into the lift and into the OR. The two quickly scrubbing in as anesthetic got to work, putting the thirty-six year old to sleep. Serena and Raf promptly entered the OR, Serena looking at the scans in which had been taken of her patient. "Right Bernie, could you pass me a ten blade please?" Serena asked, unaware of her mistake in identity. Raf coughed slightly, bringing Serena to realize her mistake. "Sorry." Was all Serena could say as she looked down sighing to herself, in disbelief. "You miss her don't you?" Raf asked, looking genuinely concerned for his friend. "Its unbearable Raf. Its like a piece of me is missing." Serena explained to her friend. "Well why don't you contact her, email or phone her, just tell her you miss her." Serena sighed as the words fell out of Raf's lips, looking more miserable than ever. "I've tried to Raf, but nothing. No reply, just radio silence. Its as if she's fallen off the face of the earth." Serena told Raf as she set to work on her patient. Raf sympathized with Serena, seeing the hurt in Doctor Campbell's eyes. They both stayed in complete silence for the rest of the procedure.

In the meantime, Jason was sat quite content on his Aunt's phone playing his game, that is until a young nurse knocked on the office door, explaining that Jason had porter duties to do. The young man placed his Aunt's phone on her desk, before leaving the office to indulge in his much beloved porters job. Less than a minute after Jason had left his Aunt's office, Serena's mobile started to ring, showing none other than Bernice Wolfe as the contact. Something that in roughly fifteen minutes would break Serena in almost two.

Sixteen minutes and forty seconds later, Serena and Raf entered Serena's office. For the first time in eight weeks, Raf had managed to make Serena laugh, all because he had spilt his ketchup down his uniform. Something so simple had made all the difference in Serena, and she has asked Raf if he would care to join her for a glass of Shiraz in her office. Strictly professional she had reassured the young doctor. Entering, Serena took a seat at her desk, Raf taking the place that Bernie once sat. As a force of habit, Serena checked her phone, not quite believing, she read the name of the missed caller ID- Bernie Wolfe. "I missed the bloody phone!" Serena said, scolding herself, as Raf wrapped his arms around the emotional doctor. 

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