Chapter 5-One Way Ticket To No Going Back

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Bernie had left her Kiev trauma unit career behind as she packed up her belongings and headed to the airport. "One-way ticket to no going back." She thought to herself, reminiscing on her time in Kiev and how she was going to miss this place she now called home. She knew leaving would be for the best. Well, by best she means if one Serena Campbell would hear her out, take her back, declare her love, just be her friend again, something, anything to allow Bernice Wolfe back into her life. That's all Bernie wanted. She knew the possibilities of them being a couple were somewhat slim, the chances that Serena would come baring open arms were near damn impossible, but she had to try. Bernie had to try.

The journey to the airport was somewhat of a quiet journey. She would normally have a conversation with the taxi drivers, but not today. Yes, Bernie had picked up a lot of Ukrainian and could hold a lengthy conversation, but in the medical profession she needed Doctor Yovenko to confirm what she was being told. Anyway, she finally made it to the airport and gave the taxi driver a large tip; call it a good will for their generous hospitality. She really was going to miss this place. It almost proved impossible for Bernie to leave Kiev, she had made new friends, a new family, albeit not blood related, but Doctor Yovenko had become a brother like figure. Bernie took one last look at the city, before checking in to the airport and boarding the plane. She was going home. And by home, she meant back to the woman she loved.

Two hours later and an announcement came on the Tannoy. The plane was to make an emergency stop in Berlin as a freak storm had made its way towards their flight path. Bernie sighed to herself, this was something she really didn't need. In fifteen minutes the plane would land in Berlin, and Bernie really started to think that she had made the wrong decision in leaving her life in Kiev. Second thoughts rushed through Bernie's mind. What if Serena wanted nothing to do with the blonde? She wouldn't blame the brunette, after all Bernie did the running. She had always done the running.

Finally fifteen minutes later and the plane landed, Bernie made a swift exit, before going to get a bite to eat at the cafeteria, curtsey of the plane company. She reminisced on the good times she had in Kiev, and compared her life to how it was in Holby. She loved them both, almost as much as one another. If only she could bring Doctor Yovenko to Holby, it would almost be perfect. She thought of the countless nights out her and Doctor Yovenko had out to celebrate their success with the trauma unit, although every night out had always been missing something out. Serena. She had to see her, even if it was to just clear the air and move on, find somewhere else to work, or even move back to Ukraine. Feeling troubled, Bernie grabbed her cases and started to walk around the airport, window-shopping in the overpriced shops.

After an hour of walking around the airport, Berniesaw something, she wasn't quite sure if her eyes were lying to her, she saw...Jason? Sat by himself. "Of course not." Bernie thought to herself. He wouldnever be in Berlin, not by himself. He never ruins his routine. Never. And withthat Bernie scrubbed the idea of seeing Jason in the middle of the airport. "Wishfulthinking." The blonde thought to herself. And with that Bernie escaped to theladies room. She didn't need the toilet or anything, she just wanted to getaway from reality for a while, without anyone being able to see her, or analyzeher emotions, judge her, not that busy holiday goers were. She just felt likeshe had eyes on her. She quickly entered the ladies room and locked the cubicledoor, taking a few deep breaths, before she heard sniveling coming from thenext cubicle. Thinking it must be to do with the stress of so many flightsbeing cancelled or deferred, Bernie tried to consolidate with the tearfulunknown woman in the next cubicle. "Sucks don't it?" Bernie said, hoping shecould make some sort of conversation to make the woman feel better. She did notexpect to hear what was to come next. "Bernie... Is that you?" The woman replied.Straight away Bernie knew that voice. The angelic voice she had so longed tohear. Bernie took a deep breath, swallowed hard and unlocked her cubicle."S...Serena?" Bernie stuttered.     

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