Chapter 3- Resignation

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It was Bernie's last day at the Ukrainian hospital and temperatures were running high. Part of her felt like she was abandoning the very reason she had come to Ukraine in the first place; to set up the trauma unit. Even though the trauma unit was up and running, she couldn't help but feel the sudden guilt that lay in the pits of her stomach. She had grown to love Ukraine, especially Kiev. The hell, she'd even come to love doctor Yovenko to some degree. But her love for Ukraine and the trauma and her colleagues could never match the absence and the love for she craved for Serena. Nothing could ever match her love for Serena. Was it love? Was it lust? Bernie couldn't answer those questions, not at the moment, not by herself, she needed Serena to answer those questions.

There was only three hours left to her shift and it was time for her last break of the day. Heading to the staff room she looked at all the hard work she had put in to making the trauma unit a success. Bernie smiled to herself, absorbing the beauty of medicine and the ability that the Ukrainian health staff now had to help as many people. This was all down to her. Part of Bernie was sad to be leaving, she knew it was for the best, but she had grown to love the place she now called home. The only problem was the one thing missing to make it her home. Bernie smiled as she walked into the staff room, not realizing that doctor Yovenko had set up a small leaving party for the blonde. "Surprise!" The Kiev staff yelled, making Bernie jump. "Thank you." Bernie replied, smiling as she started to well up slightly. "Dyakuyu." She smiled, repeating herself, only in Ukrainian this time.

Bernie was clock watching until the end of her shift, because it meant only one thing, she would be leaving that night to go and fight for the love of her life. No more running, no more hiding, and no more denying that she was undoubtedly in love with one Serena Campbell. Forty-five minutes until the end of her shift, well, unless a major trauma was to flow in, which she hoped would not be the case. Unfortunately, she had done the doctors jinx, and in came a call for a middle aged, brunette woman, with the spitting image of Serena. It couldn't be could it? Bernie asked herself as she took her first glance at the patient from afar. A lump in her throat formed as she took a second glance. "Serena?" She thought to herself as she panicked, heading over to the injured patient. Relief spread through Bernie's blood as she realized it was a rather uncanny doppelgänger. "Wow." Bernie thought, not realizing she had said it a loud.

"Is everything alright?" Doctor Yovenko asked, looking rather concerned for a moment. "For a moment there I thought it was..." Bernie started, before Doctor Yovenko finished, "Serena?" He asked. Anton had already being introduced to the lovely Serena, through the library of selfies Bernie had created on her mobile. "She does look rather like Serena." Doctor Yovenko added, luckily for them the Jane Doe was unconscious so couldn't hear what they were saying about her, not that she understood English anyway.

"Back to work." Bernie thought to herself, as she inspected and assessed the unconscious patient. As it was protocol to try and identify her patient, Bernie rustled through the middle-aged woman's bag, looking for some sort of identification. "Ah, a drivers license." Bernie said, waving it to Doctor Yovenko. "Alina Domitrovich." Bernie smiled to her patient. "Well Alina, you're going to be alright." Bernie turned to Doctor Yovenko, smiling, "Could you get an F1 to search for Alina's files, and inform any next of kin please?" The blonde asked, Doctor Yovenko pulling over an F1, translating what Bernie had just asked of him. "Excited?" Doctor Yovenko asked.

"Yes!" Bernie quickly replied with a smile on her face, the F1 bringing the file to the two doctors. "Look Bernie, get yourself off, we've got it here." Doctor Yovenko smiled to the blonde. "Besides, you'll just be waiting for the rest of your shift for Alina to come out of CT." He explained, before pulling a small but rather long box out of his pocket. "Here" He handed the box to Bernie, "Don't forget us." Bernie opened it to reveal a beautiful golden locket chain. "Thank you." The blonde smiled, pulling her co-working in for a hug. "Its beautiful." She exclaimed, before handing him a box too, the younger doctor opening his gift from Bernie, revealing a strong, handsome, thick silver bracelet, with the words 'Wolfe & Yovenko Trauma Team' engraved into it. "Thank you." The young doctor said, choking on his words, pulling Bernie in for one last hug. "Don't forget us." He demanded, not really wanting to let go of his mentor. "And good luck." He added, before pulling himself away, offering a peaceful handshake to the blonde. Bernie smiled, taking his hand, shaking it, her eyes filling up with tears. "Thank you Anton. Stay in touch. I'll be back to check up on this place. Hopefully next time with Serena" Bernie laughed turning on her heel as she headed towards the exit of the hospital. "Do pobachennya!" Anton shouted to his now life long friend.

"Do pobachennya!" Bernie shouted back, leaving the hospital for one last time. 

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