Chapter 7- Cafeteria Talk

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After a grueling wait, the two women finally made it to the front of the cafeteria que. Bernie ordered the two women drinks, a coffee for the both of them, and a chocolate croissant for Serena. Bernie knew it was her favorite. The two women then found a table by the window; simply so Serena could keep an eye on Jason. Neither really knew what to say, however both could feel the pain in the presence between them. "Bernie." "Serena."

Both of the women said in unison, before the two both looked at the other. Bernie this time became the first to break the lingering silence. "Serena. How have you been?" The blonde said nervously, not really sure what she was angling at. "Good." Serena replied, not really making conversation with Bernie. "Look, Serena, I'm sorry for running, for not being brave, these past two months have been hell for me not knowing how you are." Bernie blurted out, she hadn't meant to put it quite so bluntly, however that's the way it came out, and that's what Bernie was thinking. Bernie looked down, before Serena looked up to the woman. "Then why did you leave? I was all but begging for you to stay, but you left anyway. It hurt Bernie, it really hurt. It still does. I don't even know why I was making my way to Kiev to be quite honest." Serena took a deep breath looking back down. "I just wanted you to be brave. You ignored my messages." "I tried to call you Serena. I really did, I tried to message you, but I just couldn't. It was too hard." Bernie looked up to Serena once more. "I'm sorry. I was rubbish" The blonde added. "What changed Bernie? How do I know you won't run again?" Serena looked at Bernie, concerned for her own feelings this time. "Me, I've changed, I'm stronger now. I know what I want, and what I have to do to get it." Bernie said, putting her hand on Serena's subconsciously. Serena looked down at the two's hands together, before Bernie tried to pull hers away. "Sorry." The blonde said, before Serena grabbed her hand back, softly caressing the top of the blonde's hand. "We'll take it slow." Serena replied. "We'll talk about you leaving and where it went wrong some other time?" Bernie nodded, looking down at their intertwined hands.

A while later, the two women were back into 'normal conversation'. They had agreed to get into more detail at a later date, and to just embrace the here and now and the coincidences that were thrown their way. After an hour of being in the cafeteria the two decided to go for a little wonder as they waited for time to pass. "So, what do we do now?" Serena asked, looking up to Bernie as they walked side by side. "Well I mean we could start by going on a few dates, maybe a nice restaurant or something?" Bernie replied, rather off guard at Serena's question. Serena giggled at Bernie's reply, looking back at the blonde as they walked "I meant what do we do now as in you've got tickets for back home, and I've got tickets to Kiev." Serena smiled as she thought about Bernie's reply. "But I few nice dates at first would be good... So long as there's Shiraz." Bernie laughed at the brunette's reply, taking her hand, before she stopped walking. "Look, Serena. I know I've screwed things up in the past, but I want to make this work, I want to make us work. I was lost without you. I know that now. I was a coward, and I'm sorry. But I'll fight for us, even if that means I owe you a lifetime supply of Shiraz." Bernie smiled to the brunette, before Serena took the plunge and kissed Bernie. It was a deep and meaningful kiss. One they had both longed for. Bernie held Serena tightly as she replaced the kiss she so had longed for. "And about me going home and you to Kiev, I can always change my ticket and take you to see the wonderful Kiev. I can even show you the new trauma unit, and the city, and you can meet Doctor Yovenko and..." Serena sighed at the thought of Bernie getting excited over another person. Call it jealousy, but she had no idea who this 'Doctor Yovenko' was. Bernie sensed Serena's change in attitude. "Doctor Yovenko is the MAN who helped me set up the trauma unit." Bernie added, emphasizing on the 'man' part. Serena smiled at Bernie as she takes her hand. "I'm sorry, it's just been a long day." Serena took Bernie's hand as they started walking again. "I'd love to see Kiev with you Bernie. I'd love to see the world with you." Serena admitted, making Bernie blush slightly, as the blonde pulled Serena's hand to her lips, leaving a tender kiss. "Then we shall see the world together Serena. Just you, me and Jason." Bernie smiled at the thought of seeing the world with the woman she loved. There was only one problem though, what if she couldn't actually win Serena over? 

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