Chapter 4- We're Going On A Trip Jason.

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After leaving Hanssen's office, Serena went to break the news to Jason. She wasn't sure how he would take it, after all a weeklong trip, planned last minute to Ukraine would disrupt his schedule, and for the autistic young man, it could prove to be a burden.

Approaching the young man, Serena smiled. "Hello Aunty Serena, you look awfully nervous, I can see your frown lines." The young porter announced. "Yes well, I have some news Jason and I'm not sure how you will take it." The brunette frowned at her nephew, pausing slightly to reassess if a weeklong trip to Ukraine could be justified, all for one woman. "Well, what is it?" Jason stood waiting for her news. "Well you see, tell me if it's a bad idea, and tell me to cancel." Serena started fidgeting as she started to procrastinate. "Well if booked us a weeks long holiday to Ukraine Jason." Jason stood smiling towards the brunette. "That's good, because I've always wanted to go to Ukraine Aunty Serena. Did you know that Ukraine became an independent country on the 24th August 1991 following the collapse of the Soviet Union Aunty Serena? I've always wanted to go to Pripyat, where the worlds worst nuclear power plant disaster happened, but you're not allowed to go there on your own." Serena shifted in her place, feeling slightly guilty with her next part. "Yes, well Jason, we'll be leaving tonight if that's okay with you?" Serena stood waiting for her nephew to answer, looking down to the floor. "That's a little spontaneous Aunty Serena. I haven't got any swimming gear." The young man announced as he looked at his watch, a habit that he did when he felt nervous. "Well there wont be any swimming Jason, in fact I was hoping we could go and see Bernie if you're up for it?" Serena asked, trying to read her nephew. "Doctor Bernie? Of course, I totally understand now Aunty Serena. I totally understand." Serena smiled at Jason, and she put her hand on his shoulder. "I take it that's a yes then?" She asked, looking rather happy with herself. "Of course it is!" Jason smiled. "I have to pack first."

After a long shift in the AAU, Serena and Jason swiftly left the hospital, preparing for their flight to Ukraine, which would be at 6pm sharp. Which meant they had one hour to pack and one hour to get to the airport and through the check in process. Jason was the first to pack, one outfit per day there. Serena on the other hand was not sure whether to pack her red or blue blouse, so she called her nephew in for his input. "They're horribly expensive Jason." Serena added.

"Well I think they're just horrible." Jason smiled to Serena.

"Right, well, red it is then." Serena smiled, packing the red one, before zipping up her suitcase. "Right are you ready Jason?" She asked, taking her suitcase out of her room. "I was ready twenty-six minutes ago Aunty Serena." As Jason replied, the horn to the taxi sounded, prompting their rather fast exit.

At the airport the two quickly checked in, and boarded the plane with fifteen minutes to spare. Jason was rather wrestles as he had never flown before and Serena was trying her hardest to calm the young man. "Jason, look at it as a new adventure." The older woman said, placing her hand on her nephews shoulder. "But Aunty Serena, I don't like it." Jason admitted as he fiddled with his seatbelt. "I can't get off if I feel scared, and I do not like it." He looked at his aunty as he tried to calm himself down. "Do you want to get off Jason? I totally understand if you do." Serena assured him as he rubbed his shoulder slightly to comfort the young man. "No aunty Serena. I do not want to get off the plane. You once told me that sometimes we have to fight the urge to run away. You remember? When you were talking about Bernie, before she left, you said you were fighting the urge to run away." Serena nodded as she remembered the conversation between herself and he nephew. "But I don't understand aunty Serena. You told me you wouldn't run away, but Bernie ran away. I thought you said you don't run away when you love someone." Serena frowned as she thought more into her conversation with Jason about Bernie. "Bernie mustn't love you, because she ran away." Serena quickly panicked at Jason's words as she realized that the young man must have some truth behind what he was saying. "Jason we need to get off the plane, you're completely right. She mustn't love me." Her words tumbled out of her mouth without second thought and she got up and took her bag from the overhead compartment. "But Aunty Serena. The plane is setting off." Jason spoke as Serena sat back down, wondering how she hadn't noticed the slow start to the plane.

Almost two hours later an announcement was made on the plane. An emergency stop would be made in Berlin, as a freak storm had compromised the flying conditions. Orders were made from control station that all planes must make an emergency stop. Since the plane was closest to Berlin's Airport, Berlin would be their safe haven for the night. The two departed the plane as it landed in Berlin and headed straight over to the customer desk to complain about their company policies or some sort of palaver. "Is there anyway we can get to Kiev?" Serena asked looking rather worried and upset. "Unfortunately the only planes leaving at the moment will be in 8 hours time, all flights coming through Germany have been pulled in for landing. There's nothing we can do at this time." The customer services rep sympathetically told Serena. "Alright, well thank you." Serena replied.

Serena walked back to her nephew, before announcing that she would be going to the ladies room, and that Jason must stay seated. Stress had gotten to Serena and as she arrived into the ladies room, she swiftly locked the door, before bursting in to tears. "Sucks don't it?" A random voice from the next cubicle announced to Serena. Serena looked up as she heard the woman's voice, she sounded just like the blonde she was going to visit in Kiev. Serena unlocked her cubicle and waited for a split second "Bernie... Is that you?" 

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