Chapter 24

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Jese handed Nova a glass. "To us," he said, with a smile.

She lifted the warm milk to her lips. He'd used her coffee machine, but swapped the coffee for strong whiskey... the frothy sweet milk infused with whiskey.

She'd noticed that he'd been impressed with all of her inventions, if slightly suspicious.

Nova lowered her eyes. Since they'd been alone in the house together she'd become increasingly nervous.

A yawn from her lap. The small ball of fur rolled over, showing her it's pink stomach, begging for a rub. A submissive gesture. Peeking up at her husband now, Nova wondered if he was expecting the same from her. Submission.

He wouldn't get that. While her financial problems may be fixed and the chances of being heaved out onto the roadside were now eliminated, she was in more danger now than she had been before. Because now she was alone in her house - their house - with a man she barely knew. It felt almost as if she'd invited a starved bear into the lounge and was now pitifully hoping that he wouldn't attack her. The overwhelming feeling of her own vulnerability came crashing down upon her, and with that vulnerability came the realisation that her life would never be the same again.

She had no idea who he was... and no idea what his criminal record held.

She took a large sip of the drink in her hands, hoping that the alcohol might lend her some Dutch courage. Or at least help her to reclaim the normalcy of the relationship that she'd had with Jese up until that point. Normalcy? She'd only known him for a few days.

Warm cream passed across her tongue, alcohol soothed her muscles and turned her to jelly. Or maybe it wasn't the drink that was working to weaken her limbs, she thought, but those black eyes watching her so intently.

"I can't believe you are mine," he said. His eyes boring into hers over his raised glass.

The shock made her hand clamp around her glass firmly. Mine? The territorial expression in his eyes as he gazed at her, wasn't what she'd expected from him. She didn't know how to react... to throw out an angry reprimand might only excite him. She'd heard stories of women being beaten to death on their wedding night. "I have prepared the books to look through... when you are ready."


"I expect you will want to discuss the land. And view the accounts."

"I haven't the faintest interest in that right now." He placed his glass down carefully. "There is something far more intriguing that I have in sight."

Instead of filling her with delight, as he might have been hoping, Nova felt further fear and helplessness. He'd made her believe that she had no sexual obligations to him. But now, under his intense gaze, she knew that this moment, this tension was all leading to one thing. What was she supposed to do? It was the last thing she wanted, to give herself to a man whose bedpost must look like it had been riddled with bullets from a shotgun. So full of conquests that there was no more room to fit a single mark more.

If Jese chose to consummate their union, the law stated that a wife couldn't accuse her husband of rape.

She was attracted to him. Extreme mistrust fought bravely against a strong and undeniable attraction. Emotions so diverse that they left her wondering if the tummy ache was from nerves or repulsion.

Nova tipped her head back abruptly, taking a large sip in a desperate attempt to calm her fears - even if it were only momentarily. As the milk hit her stomach she waited, desperately, for a numb tranquility to descend.

"Nova Calhoun," Jese said her name aloud. "You are a very beautiful woman Mrs. Calhoun."

She noticed her knuckles had turned white where her fingers clutched the glass. Weren't people supposed to become quite relaxed from drinking these strange tasting spirits? She wondered, staring at her refreshment suspiciously. Yet in her case she was growing more and more restless. Quantity, she decided grimly. Tipping her head back.

Clockwork CowboyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang