Chapter 34

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Nova's life flashed before her for the second time in a fortnight. But, unlike the night in front of The Little River Saloon, this time Nova's regrets were more vivid. She was surprised to find that the things she lamented the most were the things she hadn't done and not the things she had.

The love of a strong man, a child's tears on her neck as she consoled them back to sleep, or the supportive shoulder of a good friend. She'd directed so much energy and time at the ranch that she'd missed out on so much.

Nova, completely immersed in her thoughts, was shocked beyond belief by the two masculine arms that hooked her under the armpits and ripped her out of the sand.

"Are you ok?" Jese's voice sounded unusual, the deep tone held a slight pitchy note. As if fear strangled his voice box.

Was he scared? Nova wondered. She spluttered and gasped, trying for a breath of fresh air. Her body wracked with coughing, muting any attempt at a reply.

"Hold on! We're nearly there."

Her arms wrapped tightly around him, she heard the puppy yapping from her knapsack between them. It squirmed its way up until its head was free, and gave its mistress a fearful lick on the chin.

Jese directed his thundering horse toward a clear part of the river. She felt the icy cold water drench her dress, calming her burns. She wished the alpine water would ease the inflammation in her lungs. Her body doubled over against Jese, hacking the smoke from her body in vain. Managing to catch her breath, she asked, "The plow?"

"It's in flames. The boys are trying to stop it from bridging the gap." Then everything would have been for nothing.

"I need it in one piece!" After another bout of coughing she kept talking. "It is the only plow I've got!"

"It isn't important."

"I've got bills to pay."

"You've got me now, Nova. We'll buy another one with time." The horse came to a steady walk through the deep waters of the river. Jese, letting the horse have it's head, cupped her face so that she gazed up at him. "And I promise it will be better than that one."

Nova stared up at him in confusion. Her lungs were stunned into silence. Feeling the wings of a butterfly unfurling in her stomach. Had she made a mistake about this man? Because in this moment she could almost begin to believe that he had feelings for her. And not the feelings of a murderous intent. Did he harbour a degree of love for her, somewhere in that cold heart of his?

Nova recalled what he'd said to her as he'd left the yard that morning. That if anything happened to her he could never forgive himself. How much truth had that comment held? And when did he start feeling like this? He had spent the first few days of their acquaintance adorned with such a judgmental expression that she'd just come to expect it and not search for anything else. And what about the letter that she'd found? Groggy with exhaustion she lay her head against his hot chest, breathing in the smell of wood smoke that had permeated through his cotton shirt. Coughing again, till her body was spent.

"Here," bringing the horse to a standstill he dismounted and lay her carefully underneath a tree. She had a spectacular view across the river, to the spectacular airship that rested there on the peaceful waters.

"That boat," Nova said. "I remember it from somewhere. "

"I bought it last year," Jese said. "I don't know who has owned it."

So she owed him her thanks?

He scooped the pup up and placed it on her lap, "Sit, Fuego."


"I may have taken the liberty of naming him."

With an exhausted smile she lifted the bundle into her arms and buried her face in its fur.

"Try to rest. You'll be safe here. As soon as we have the blaze under control I will take you home." Back on the horse in a flash Jese galloped back towards the fire, stooping to wet his flour sack in the river as he passed through it.

Fear begged her to remain awake, but exhaustion soon won out... and Nova fell into a surreal sleep that was broken intermittently by coughing.


Nova awoke to the sound of men and horses splashing across the river. Faces adorned with smiles, and blackened by soot.

"Your fire break worked!" Freddy cried. Nova watched as he caught Rose to her feet, from where she was seated holding sentry further downstream, and kissed her soundly. "My angel!"

"Is the homestead safe?" Nova asked, through cracked lips.

Jese sprung down from his horse, coming to her side. "As long as nothing reignites we are safe, I'm leaving some men here to keep a watch on things."

Well, Nova thought, he certainly knows how to throw his weight around!

"I'm taking you back to the homestead so you can rest."

As he lifted her up onto his horse, she protested. "I can't sleep. I've got to make a meal for the troops."

Jese shook his head. "You've inhaled too much smoke. The cooking shall be my department."

A cowboy who cooked, and had a proven record of saving her life? What more could a a girl want?

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