Part 5

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 Edith walked around the house as she guided herself with the flashlight, the cold air was nipping at her and she reminded herself that if and when she got back inside the house she was to grab her cardigan.

            She walked onto the front porch and stared at the door for a moment "It's going to be locked. And you need a key to even unlock it from the inside." Edith thought to herself as she looked up at the door before walking along the porch to find another way in.

            A living room light turned on causing Edith to quickly kneel on the ground and begin to crawl, she made her way around the porch before she finally stood up again, deciding that using the front door wasn't a good idea.

            Edith jumped over the fence on the porch and decided to see if she could enter the house through the backdoor.

            "This is fucking stupid; you should just go run for help like Casey told her." Edith muttered to herself as she made her way to the back porch.

            Edith softly jerked on the door, finding it locked, Edith sighed with relief "Did you honestly think that was going to happen?" she asked herself, now going back to the side of the house where she first escaped.

            She carefully climbed back in through the study; Edith ignored her father's body on the chair as she left the study and softly went back up the stairs to the second floor.

            Edith felt the vibrations of the record player beneath her feet, she took a deep breathe as she continued to walk down the hallway, going in the opposite direction of the blood trail.

            She stopped at an intersection where if she went straight she'd be right where she started, and if she turned she'd go to her bedroom and another staircase to the kitchen.

            Edith tiptoed down to her bedroom and quietly opened the door, the door squeaked which made Edith cringe as she walked into her bedroom and grabbed her cardigan and put on a pair of slip-on shoes.

            She turned back to leave her room but she saw a shadow walking down the hallway, Edith panicked as she ran into her closet and hid in the shadows with her flash light.

            Edith looked through the slits of her closet door as the flight flicked on and showed her everything.

            The man stood in her room with a red t-shirt, jeans and converse; his brown hair was shaggy and he had glasses, but they were resting on top of his head.

            Edith covered her mouth for safety as she watched the man examine her room carefully before sitting on her bed and laying against her pillow; he sniffed it and smiled as he smelled Edith's scent.

            She backed farther into her closet, hiding amongst the storage clothes that had accumulated over the years as she watched the sight; she knew who she was up against now as she watched him violate her space.

            The man sat back up and looked over her room once again before getting up and walking into her bathroom for a second and coming out with tissues.

            Edith shook her head as she watched him lay back down on her bed and unbuckled and unzipped his pants.

            "Don't watch." Edith told herself as she closed her eyes and continued to cover her mouth as she waited for the event to end so she could run away and find something where she could kill him.

            "Oh, Edith." He moaned, stroking himself.

            Edith let one eye open as she watched the man pleasure himself; she screamed in her mind as she told herself to close her eyes, but half of her couldn't look away from the scene.

            The man continued to stroke himself as he called out Edith's name, called her 'baby' and 'his girl' as he pleasured himself.

            Edith began to cover her ears so she couldn't hear him call her names that made her feel uncomfortable as she looked down at her toes and slowly began to kneel on the floor.

            The man continued to pleasure himself for a few more seconds before, through her hands, she heard him orgasm; he finally calmed down and cleaned up his mess.

            Edith looked up and watched as the man stood up from the bed and threw the tissues away, looking over her room once again before leaving her bedroom and turning the light off.

            She began to hyperventilate; she couldn't believe that any of this was happening; she couldn't believe that her father was dead, and that her mother was probably dead as well.

            Her sister was in a basement and like the stubborn and idiotic sister she was, she left Casey there were the man who was after her would probably kill her out of boredom.

            Edith softly opened her closet door and crawled out with her flash light and adjusted her clothes; she took a deep breathe to calm herself as she walked out of her bedroom and began to trail the man.

            She walked down the stairs and into the living room where the record player was still blasting a tune giving chills down Edith's spine.

            Edith attempted to reach the record player only to stop midway, feeling like a pair of eyes were on her as she turned to the kitchen that was dimly lit.

            "Fuck it." Edith muttered, walking to the record player to turn it off when the house went silent and the lights went off.

            Edith looked around the house as she heard every noise outside and around the house, she felt claustrophobic in the house as she moved away from the record player and hid behind the couch.

            There were footsteps coming up from the basement and into the living room, Edith knew from where she was hiding he would discover her; she quickly stood up and hid up against the wall in the shadow next to the bookcase.

            Edith held her breath as she saw him enter the living room and looked around the dark and quiet room.

            The man circled the living room, looking around the couch before backing up towards the bookcase that Edith was casually hiding next to; the man turned around and faced the bookcase.

            Edith tried not to lose her breath as she watched the man look at the books and various items on the bookshelf; she figured now was an opportune time to attack him.

            She held the back of her flashlight firmly as she pushed away from the wall and getting the man's attention, hitting him over the head with her flashlight.

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