Chapter 18

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Ariana's dress! 


I opened my door, revealing an extremely good looking Etienne. I smiled, a vain attempt at hiding the sudden rapid pace of my heart, and examined his appearance. He was wearing a leather jacket over a plain black t-shirt and black jeans. To my surprise, his hair was styled -with gel- and made him look like one of the guys in the football team. Maybe that's where he got his inspiration.

"Hey," I exhaled.

He shoved his hands in his pocket and shifted his weight, awkwardly. "Hi!"

"You want to come in quickly? I was just about to eat something, considering alcohol is worse with an empty stomach." I asked while retreating behind the door.

"Sure," he smiled.

I let him pass, closed the door behind him and followed him to the kitchen. I pushed him towards the chair and went towards the oven to get the lasagnas out.

"So tell me," I glanced at him from above my shoulder. "What's with the leather jacket?"

He laughed and took it off, settling it on the back of his chair. "My mom bought it. When I told her I was going out tonight, she ran to the shop. She said, and I quote, 'that every boy at a party has a leather jacket'." He saw my amused stare and pinched his lips. "Yeah..."

I reached for two plates. "Well, your mom is right. It's either that or the sports' hoodies."

He laughed. "Can I help you with anything?"

I settled the full plates on the table. "Nope."

I handed him a fork and we started eating in silence. I looked at him from times to times and noticed that he was nervous at the way he rubbed his nose, as if he was pushing up invisible glasses.

He set down his fork down and asked. "So what's the program for tonight?"

I finished my bite and swallowed. "Actually, I'm not sure. A good friend of mine is throwing a party and I thought it would be a good idea to start there. The only problem is that she might be there."

He frowned. "You think? After that humiliation?"

I nodded. "It's possible that she's going to try to, you know, get popular guys and use them to keep her head out of the water." He bit his lips. "So I was thinking that we could try and see if she's there. If she is, we can leave and go hit the bars. Your call."

He shrugged. "I don't know... I'm not used to this."

"Look Etienne, I pick out the good spots to party and you decide whether you like it or not. This is your night. I plan and you choose."

He smiled. "Ok, then let's try your friend's party and we'll see after that."

I agreed and pick up my plate. He grabbed my arm and stopped me. "I'll do it. Go and get ready."

I was suprised that he noticed that I wasn't wearing my party suit. I handed him my plate and ran up the stairs. My make up already done, all I needed to do was to put on my navy blue dress and black tights.

I got ready rapidly, knowing Etienne was waiting and slipped on my heels. My dress was simple, close to the body but the zipper was impossible to reach.

I got down the stairs, where Etienne was patiently waiting. When saw me, a small smile florished on his lips and his eyes sparkled slightly.

"You look amazing." He complimented.

"Thank you." I closed the distance between us. "But I need your help. The zipper is driving me crazy."

He laughed. "No problem. Turn around."

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