Chapter 25

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My hand hesitated on the button. Do you really want to do this? I exhaled. Inhaled and exhaled again. It had been two weeks and I had been thinking about it, laying down all the pros and the cons. And even though there were way more pros, I still wasn't sure about this.

I clicked.

Your application has been successfully sent!

I blinked and rubbed my forehead. I had sent many texts to my dad telling him that he would soon have to pay for my university - whichever one it will be. I had applied to universities nearby as well. You never know.

This was it. I had applied to France. And still had no idea what I would do if I got in. Leave? Or stay?

I decided that, for now, there was nothing I could do but wait. We'll see when their response comes...


I must admit that this week was the hardest one in my whole life. Two days ago the exams had started and, so far, it had been good. But today was biology and math and I seriously sucked at both.

I met with Etienne in front of the exam room. Even though he took a higher level in both, all the final exams took place in the same room. When he saw me, he strode to me, clearly trying to cheer me up.

"Hey," he said when he stopped in front of me.

These last two days we had been more open about our relationship at school than we ever had. Though the others only thought we were friends. Which technically we were.

"Hi," I whispered back. "I stressing so bad right now." 

He embraced me and tried to reassure me in vain. The teacher eventually came around to open the door to the huge room, with perfectly aligned desks and I let go of him. He discreetly kissed my temple, squeezed my hand before going to seat in the correct area. My table was right next to the wall so I leaned against it and looked for my friends. 

Ava and Jelena were sitting a row away from me, chatting lowly before the exam officially started. Paul had left the weekend before the exams, allowing Jelena to focus on her studies. Which, by the way, hadn't happened since she spent most of that time crying. Ava and I managed to induce her in an intensive afternoon of studying. After all our efforts, she looked ready to start those vicious exams.

A bit further along the same row, sat Jack with his eternal eyeliner. Our rehearsal for the end of year play had been paused for the last two weeks since we had to study and I hadn't had the chance to talk to him. Luckily next week, we would resume with the rehearsal and a week after that, we had our final representation at the school's kermess. And the day after that, we would now if we had the grades to graduate and have our graduation. Fun stuff, truly.

A few seats behind me, Cherry was filing her nails, her eyebrows scrunching in concentration. I hadn't had a proper conversation with her nor Linda in a long while and kind of started of started to miss them. After graduation, I would probably never speak to them again. Especially if I went to Paris.

Paris... What had I done? I had no idea what I would do if I actually was accepted! Stupid me!

The teacher came up to the front, while his lackey handed out the copies. After enunciating a thousand rules, he finally allowed us to start the godforsaken exam.

Well, here we go.


"Those fucking exams are finally over!" Someone screamed over the music and the whole room cheered. "After a whole week of sweaty palms and a packed room, we are free." He continued to scream. "Cheers to that, my friends." He concluded.

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