Chapter 20

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"You gained weight, haven't you?" My grandma asked, pinching my cheek a little to hard. 

I pushed her hand away, "And you got a new set of boobs. Must've cost a bomb."

I smiled at her glare and headed towards the kitchen. As soon as my back was turned, she turned to my grandpa, asking him if those jeans were supposed to be so tight. That's my grandma for you. Honestly, she look more like my mother than my granny. She had the same glowing blond hair, piercing blue eyes and sporty body, though in her case, it was pretty much all fake. The thing with her was that she only cared about appearances. The proof, she looks great but her personality is an absolute nightmare. I hated her. Truth be told, she always had a comment or two about my looks and it was sorting to get on my nerves. 

I looked at her over my shoulder, glaring, before entering the kitchen where my mother was ripping her hair off. "Is everything ok?"

She turned around, startled. "Yes. No. I can't find the turkey."

I gave her a strange look and headed to the oven. I opened it on a perfectly golden poultry. "Linda put here before she left, remember?" 

She nodded and slapped her forehead. "Of course! How could I be so stupid? Where else could it be?" She laughed at her stupidity and the doorbell rang. 

"Go get the door mom, I'll take care of the turkey."

She left the room, an embarrassed blush tinting her cheeks. I kneeled in front of the oven and got out the turkey. It looked amazing and the smell aroused my taste buds. Incessant blabbering came from the doorway and I concluded that my aunts had arrived. I got out a knife and cut into the tender flesh of the chicken. A small hand on my leg scared me and I nearly dropped the knife. My little cousin, who was about six years old, stood there a boyish grin on his face. Like most of the people in the family, he had blond hair and blue eyes. I don't think anyone in our family didn't have those two main characteristics. 

"Hey buddy." I said with a strained voice. My ability to talk to kids had improved since I started to go to Etienne's house and yet, I still panicked in their presences. "Move away, I have a knife. It can be dangerous."

He smiled and sat on my foot, wrapping his tiny members around my leg. I shook my leg a few times, but he was resistant. Footsteps warned me of a new arrival and when I looked over my shoulder, my mouth dropped. It was me! Well, technically not me, that would be impossible, but my thirteen year old cousin, who looked exactly like me at her age. Her clothes were way to revealing for her age, she had the same bitchy attitude and looked like she fell into a bag of cheap makeup. Just like me a few years ago and honestly, it didn't look very good. Her eyes were focused on her phone and she popped a bubble with her chewing gum. 

I rested my knife back on the counter and turned around fully to face her. "Abriana, put your phone down and help me put the food on the table."

She finally looked up at me. "Oh it's you." Her eyes travelled behind me and took a disgusted face. "Ewww! Are you touching a dead bird? That's just gross!"

I frowned and shook my head at her stupidity. "Well, that dead bird is your meal for tonight. Now, get the potatoes and put them on the table." She picked up the dish and exited the room. "And come back for your brother." 

I managed to free myself from the little guy and he ran out of the room as soon as he heard his sister call him. To be honest, I never really like those kids. First, the boy always did whatever he felt like doing and made no distinctions between good or bad. And Abriana? She used to follow me around like a puppy and always tried to get along with my  friend. She always wanted to be like me, guess she succeed. I think it came from the fact that her mother was so jealous of my mother for having such a cute kid like me, that she ended up naming her with a name so similar to mine, in hope she would be like me. Thank god my other aunt didn't have any children.

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