Chapter Twenty-Seven: Girl Meets Understanding

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After the whole father fiasco, we went to a movie with Lucas and Zay, in the hopes that we could make some leeway on their forgiveness project...and a very small part of mine.

"Ok, Farkle, you are going to sit all the way over there." Lucas pointed to the back corner of the theatre. "And we are going to sit all the way over here." He pointed to the front. "Let's see what happens."

"I'll sit with you." I told him, grabbing my popcorn and following him to the back. I sat down in the seat by the wall, and he sat beside me. "Thank you, for going with me earlier." He smiled.

"No problem. That's what I'm here for." I leaned in, pressing my lips to his cheekbone.

"I'll make it up to you one day."

"Make what up to me?" He asked, looking over at me.

"I've had a lot of difficult days. You've stuck by me through all of them. So, I'll be here to stick by you through yours." He reached over, tucking my hair behind my ear.

"I know...and I love you for it." I smiled at him.

"I love you too." The lights dimmed and the movie started. A cowboy walked onto the screen.

"Dead!" Farkle yelled. I elbowed him, watching as Lucas, Zay, and a couple of other people looked at us annoyingly.

"Farkle..." A prospector crossed into frame, carrying on a conversation with the cowboy.


"You are ruining any chance of them ever watching a movie with you ever." I hissed in his ear.

"I'm sorry! I can't help it!"


The rest of the movie went by rather smoothly until a cheerleader came onto the screen.

"What the crap movie are we watching?" I whispered.

"President of the united States!" This time, a bowl of popcorn was thrown in our direction, mostly landing on me and getting stuck in my hair. "Ooh...sorry." I shot him a look.

"Ok, I'm leaving." I stood up.

"Don't you want to finish the movie?" He asked.

"I already know what happens, Farkle. In case you already told me." I scooted past him, but he grabbed my hips, pulling me into his lap.

"You should stay." I turned to look at him.

"Farkle, I love you...but not a chance. I'm going to go pick the popcorn out of my hair...and then I'm going home." I kissed his nose and stood up, leaving the theatre.


"How's the forgiveness project going?" That was the first question we were asked by Mr. Matthews that morning, and strangely enough, I had an idea what everyone's answers would me.

"You killed us, Matthews." Maya replied.

"I gotta say, Matthews, I don't know what you were thinking." Riley continued.

"You think forgiveness leads to peace?" Lucas asked. Zay elaborated:

"It leads to war in a movie theater."

"And butter in your hair." I threw in.

 "Lights go down, the movie starts, I make Farkle sit in the other corner of the theater with Skipper, so he can't ruin anything."

"Sounds like good strategy." Mr. Matthews praised.

"But it was just the darndest thing. It didn't work." I told him.

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