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X - M A R K S   T H E  S P O T !

Bryce dropped the gun to the floor as he covered his mouth with his blooded hand. No tears were shed but the feeling of losing someone else made his stomach turn in disgust. He wondered how the world could be so rude as to do such a thing to people who care for him or others in this case. He made his way to the bathroom where he let his blooded hands grip the white sink, eyes staring into his own reflection.

It wouldn't be long till the infected showed up here and he knew it but even he was starting to doubt the value of his own life anymore. Thinking back to Luke and Meg made him question if he could've saved them by making another choice. What if Meg and him stayed with the group and never left? Would Luke still be alive? Or if they never continued the trip and stayed locked up in a house forever, would his sister still be with him? There was no going back now and he knew this.

He looked to the now broken watch on his wrist and remembered back when they were back at Walmart with everyone. It was a fuzzy memory but it could be restored. Fear was hinting him deep within as he stared at the blood stain on the dial, what would everyone think when Luke didn't come back with him? He shook his head to clear his trail of thought and made his way back to the room he killed the other in before grabbing his gear off him.

His fingertips brushed against the texture on the handgun before he settled it back in its holder. "Alright, let's see where everyone is.." The map he had was a simple layout of the area and on it was a red circle that had been drawn with sharpie causing him to look back at the dead man laying against the wall.


Bryce grunted as he landed from his small jump, his blue eyes glanced around the area once more before he started to make his way towards the cabin. His heart beat was off the chart now and the fact that he scared some wild birds didn't help at all. He was now heading towards the marked place on the map, it had taken him a while to get here so the sun was setting over the hills. He came to stop once he saw Marcel sitting outside cleaning his gun.


The brown eyed male looked up from his gun and gave a weird look when he didn't see Luke standing behind him. No words were spoken as the man realized what this had meant. Standing to his feet, he turned around towards the door, and gave a light knock only to have Scottie open it up.

"Bryce you're alive..where's L–" Marcel whispered something to him which caused him to give a frown. "Oh..well come in..Ohm will be happy to see you."

He nodded as he stepped into the cabin only to have everyone go silent immediately at the sight of him. Inside the Cabin was Ryan and Evan who were having a conversation as well as the rest of their team. Not one person was missing, well Smitty was but even he knew about that boy.

"Bryce..?" Ryan's voice cracked as he stared at the blonde who was wearing his friends gear. "You're alive.."

"Where's Toonz?"

Everyone fell silent again but their gazes jerked to the blue eyed male who was sitting on the couch. No one spoke until Evan cleared his throat, "Delirious," he frowned. "Luke was found dead in one of the looked like an infected got him and someone had–"

"I killed him.."

Jonathan looked directly at him when those words left his mouth. There was no frown on his face nor was there guilt written about him somewhere. All he could do was give them the truth.

"You what?" Jonathan choked out. "You what?!"

With that the man got up and nearly attacked him but Ryan had put a stop to that faster than anything. There was indeed yelling as well as arguing between the two men for they snapped their jaws back and forth like two dogs infected with rabies. But regardless the man who saved him pushed Delirious off with a growl.

"That's bullshit Ohm!" He yelled. "He could've save him! He could've and you know it! Why the fuck are you taking up for him when he killed Cartoonz?!"

"Delirious you know as well as I do that once they're infected it's over! There is no saving them damn it! This isn't a horror movie where you can just give them a herb or chop off their leg and they'll be okay! No," he barked aloud. "This is reality and I suggest you snap back into it!"

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