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Loathal used to be a fairly peaceful place. People used to go to victory there when ever the could. Then, the empire took over. After that things changed.
Things were more hostile in the planet. People were being killed for questioning things or doing things wrong. No one dared to speak up in fear for their lives anywhere on the planet. That is until the Bridgers seemed to gain confidence in which the galaxy lacked.
They spoke up for others in their time of need. The two of them dared to help others by putting themselves on the line. Yet, they weren't speaking up for just anyone anymore. They were spreading up for the fearful. For the heart broken. For the wounded. For the dead. For those who needed it. Yet, for the upmost of all their son, Ezra M Bridger. He was born on the day that the empire took over. The couple considered him their little light in a world of darkness. So, they spoke up to teach him to help others when ever he could. Little did they know they were giving another people that same hope as well.
One night everything changed again. The empire found out who was speaking out against them and came for them. They hid their son fearful for his life. Little did they know they wouldn't ever see him again for as long as they lived.
They wee dragged out of the house kicking and scream while their son was left all alone. Eventually he climbed out of his hiding spot and did they only thing he could think of. He cried for a very long time unsure of what else to do.

Ezra's POV
I just remember sitting in the living for hours after my parents were taken away. I wait for two days for them to come home. During this time I didn't eat or sleep. I just sat in the living room by a couch by the door waiting for them to come home. Yet, when I realized they weren't coming back I just curled up in a ball and cried. How could I just hide and watch them take my parents? Why didn't I do anything? I could have done something. I could have thrown a rock to try to hurt one of them. Or I could have just grabbed my sling shot and shot them with it. I could have done something but, I did nothing. God, I'm a horrible son. I am probably the worst damn son on the face of lothal. So I remember sitting there as the dark night surrounded me and ten cold night breeze swirled around my entire body. I remember just sitting their when the door opened but, I didn't look up. Who ever this was I didn't care what happened to me. I just wanted to be with my parents again. Then the little girls voice rang out threw out the house.
"Are you okay?"
(I promise you this book is more length the further you get)

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