Trials of the dark saber

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Takes place after one part of trails of the dark saber..
Sabine stood there huffing as she looked at her father figure at he feet. Tears stung in her eyes as she remembered about everything she had just said. Everything about her family.
She turned the blade in her hands off as she felt tears escape her eyes. God, she hated crying. It made her feel babyish. It made her feel weak. Then again her entire family though she was weak. Maybe they were right. That was when she tried to run for it only to be hugged tightly.
"L-let go." Sabine stated holding back tears as she struggled to try and get out of Galen's grip.
"Nice try but, not gonna happen." Galen sighed.
"God damn it, let me go." She stated as tears began to fall out of her eyes.
"Nope. Not gonna happen." Galen whispered in her ear.
"W-why not?" Sabine asked.
"Cause your my sister. And I know for a fact that real, loving families don't leave or judge each other. No matter what they've been through. So go ahead and cry no one will judge you." Galen whisperedin her ear. Sabine began full on sobbing into Galen's shoulder as she hugged him back tighter.
"Plus if they do, I can dismember them for you sis." Galen smiled. Sabine giggled a bit. That was Galen. Always trying to cheer his family up.
"Or stab them to death." Ezra added as hugged both his siblings.
"Or blow them up." Morgana smirked as she tried to get in on the hug too. Instead, she seemed to be hugging everyone's stomachs. She was pretty short after all.
"Or force chose them to death." Kanan mumble pulling all his kids into a large hug. Morgana giggled a bit with Sabine and Ezra as Kanan's large pair of arms wrapped around them. Galen on the other hand, just felt the smile on his face get bigger.
"I'd like that." Sabine sniffed.
~surprise time skip~
It must have been about midnight when Sabine went to go to the bathroom on the ship. She was on full on sleep mode as she hobbled back to her bed when she first heard it. It sounded like a sob.
At first she thought she had been imagining things. That is until another sob rang out again. The sob seemed to be coming from the kitchen area. So she decided to sneak down the hallway just to see who it was.
As she approached she heard more muffled sobs. The person crying also seemed to be trying to clam themselves down. They were saying the weirdest things too.
"S-stop crying. I-it wasn't r-re-real." That was fallowed by louder sobs. Then muffled ones.
"He-he ca-can't touch y--you n-now. I-It was j-j-jus-just a dream." That was fallowed by more heart wrenching sobbing. Who ever the hell this was was definitely going to get bear hugged by Sabine for hours after this.
"S-sto-stoping b-being s-s-such an f-f-fucking baby. Y-you're g-goi-ing t-to wake th-th-them al-all up. S-sh-sh-shut u-u-up." The person sounded an awfully lot like a boy. Sabine looked in from the door way to se Galen sitting at the holotable hugging his legs close to his chest. His body shook with each sob that left his mouth. Then he would gasp for air after a really loud sob.
"H-he c-can't h-hur-hurt y-you h-here. S-stop c-cry-crying y-you b-baby." Galen sobbed. Sabine froze for a second as she tried to fight the urge of hugging her brother to death. She tried to think of who he was talking about. Who ever it was was going to die for making him cry like this.
"G-god n-n-no w-won-wonder gir-girls wo-won't d-da-date m-me. I-I'-I'm ju-just a c-cry-crybaby. I-I m-mean I-it-it's b-been n-nin-nine years. P-peop-people u-uaslly g-get o-ov-over be-being r-r-ra-raped b-b-by n-no-now. S-so st-st-stop cry-crying d-damn I-it a-and ge-get o-ove-over I-it." He sobbed as his body shook. Tears fell out of his eyes every few second. Meanwhile Sabine felt her heart stop as she heard the last part.
Galen, her older, over protective adopted brother had been raped. It made so much sense to her know why he refused to let any of his siblings talk to older men (other than Kanan and Zeb) alone. Or why he ran back to the ship when he saw that g-
Oh god. Galen had seen his rapist. He ran from him. And Sabine came back and called him road runner. She had made fun of her brother's mind recking moment. Holy shit. She was a really bad sister.
"G-god y-you're g-go-going to-to die all a-alone." Galen sobbed. Sabine finally dieted she couldn't take it anymore and walked into the room. Galen hadn't seen or heard her though. So she stood there for a second before thinking of something to say.
"Galen?" Sabine asked. Galen jumped about a foot in the air.
"Are you okay?" Sabine asked. Galen rubbed his teary eyes on the palms of his hands before looking up.
Sabine felt her heart break as she saw her brother's eyes blood shot red. His red face had a look of complete brokenness on it. Large tears were falling of his chin. He tried to say something but, had to try to calm down. While trying to calm down more tears fell from his eyes making Sabine want to hug him more.
"Y-yeah. I'm fine. Wait a second did I wake y-" Galen didn't even finish his sentence.
"Bull shit." Sabine dated. Galen felt more tears fall out of his eyes. He quickly whipped his eyes with his human arm again.
"W-what?" Galen asked holding back a sob.
"I just heard you sobbing and yelling at your self. You are definitely not fine!" She argued.
"I-I am." His vice cracked when he said it. He quickly covered his mouth. Yet, it did nothing. He statered full on sobbing within seconds as large tears left his eyes. Sabine hugged him tightly within seconds.
"You can take as much time as you need to heal. We'll all be here with you. And do you know why?" Sabine asked him with a smile.
"W-wh-Why?" Galen sniffed.
"Cause we're family, and loving families don't leave or judge each other because of something they did or happened to them. They support each other instead." Sabine smiled as she whispered into his ear. Galen tried to smile back instead of sobbing. Sabine hugged him back tightly.
"I-it hurt so m-much." Galen sobbed.
"I know. I know it did. You'll heal though. I know you will," she whispered back.
"H-how d-do y-you in-know tha-that?" He asked.
"You're my big brother. You're the strongest person I know. You'll heal. You just need time." Sabine whispered.
No one knew what happened that night. All they knew was that, that morning Galen was fast asleep hugging Sabine tightly. Well, Hera knew for a fact that meant Galen wouldn't mind that the baby was supposed to be a girl then.
And I just made myself sad with a chapter I wrote. Until next time, this is moi signing out.

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