I won't tell a soul

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Kyle sat behind his bedroom door like he had the day before and the day before that. Like he did everyday since Amelie died. Everyone tried talking him out of the room. First, it was Ahsoka. Then, Rex. Soon the entire ghost crew tried to talk him into coming out of his room. Or hell even talking. Like all he did was stay 100% silent daily locked up in his room. The only way they knew he ate was Ahsoka left sandwiches out for him and they were always gone after you heard a door open. Now toady wasn't like any other day. Today Kanan, Galen(yup, I switched the name to how it was originally spelt. I am goons fix this later when I edit the chapters.) and Ezra were exploring the desert the base was on. Little did they know Maul was hunting them on the same planet as they spoke. Yet, today Morgana came to Kyle's house alone. She knocked on his bedroom door.
"Kyle? Are you in there?" Morgana asked. All she heard was a sniffle. So, she was hoping he was alive in there.
"You know I am not leaving until we talk. I know you need someone to talk to about this. Now, I haven't been surrounded by death or lost any siblings but, I would at least try to help. I know try isn't a Jedi way or grey Jedi way knowing my luck. So, I am going to do my best on try to comfort you and if that does work than I am gonna do it again until you come out of your room? And do you know why?" She smiled looking at the door praying Kyle heard her. There wasn't a noise for the other side of the door. She stood there for a moment before sitting in front of the door. Morgana wasn't leaving him. Not even if her life depended on it. Kyle would do the same. In fact, he did when he helped the others rescue Kanan in a way.
"It's because you've done so much for me. I have no idea how to repay you for these things. Like I don't even know why you do them sometimes. That is until I remember you were an amazing friend. A friend I probably don't deserve for a lot of reason. So just know no matter what I'm not leaving you. Not until you don't need me any more." She mumbled the last part. You could hear Kyle sniffling a bit. Then the second Morgana stood up to stretch for a moment the door swung open. Kyle ran out and hugged his friend tightly. His yellow cat like eyes were blood shot and he looked like he hadn't slept in days. Morgana hugged him back. He started sobbing quietly into his friend's shoulder.
"Shhh. You're fine now. I'm here. We can talk about what ever you want." Morgana smiled patting his back. He let his sobs get as loud as possible. Why? He knew Morgana didn't care if he cried. She would never think he was weak. Nope. She probably thought he was brave for showing his emotions right now. Kyle sobbed into his best friend's shoulder.
"P-plead don't t-tell anyone." Kyle begged. Morgana remembered something she probably shouldn't have at that moment. She felt a couple tears in her eyes. Quickly she whipped them away.
"I won't." She whispered to him. Soon, the were just hugging each other tightly.
"I missed you." Morgana whispered in her friend's ear just to show him she still missed him.
"I missed you too." Kyle horsed voice whispered back.

"W-why don't we just step away from the edge." The inquisitor boy subjected looking at the girl in the storm trooper helmet. She just looked at him then held her right leg over the edge of the building. Kyle felt his heart speed up. So, he did the first thing he thought of. He force pulled her towards him. Yet, he didn't plan on her flying into him. With a large thud the girl fell next to him on the floor. Her helmet was gone. As Kyle grunted the 11 year old looked a the young girl. His breath stoped as he saw her crying on the ground without looking at him. He knew this girl.
"Morgana?" He asked. She looked up but, upon seeing him kept crying. Kyle dropped down on his knees and hugged his crush tightly. She sobbed into his chest. He didn't want to hear her reasons right now. All he wanted to do was comfort his 12 year old best friend.
"I-I am n-not as g-good as the rest of m-my family at anything. No one would miss me. S-so why'd y-you save m-me?" She managed to sniff to him between her sobs.
"Yes you are. In fact, you're better at  a,I guess friends than any of them. And if you killed your self you know I would miss you beyond belief. I bet everyone else back home would. So, why don't you stop it with that stupid idea right now before you realize you were wrong when it was to late." Kyle stated breathlessly to his friend.
"P-please d-don't t-tell anyone." She begged. Kyle sighed.
"I won't tell a soul."

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