Chapter 2

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Ok so I rewatched TG and found out Ryouko doesn't come till after Kaneki shows up... oh well just pretend this is what happens. And Ryouko is going to be referred to as 'mom'.


"Well come on in, dear. Let's catch up on some things!" I began walking inside, seeing two plates on the table.

"Oh Hinami, could you give the plates to Touka?" Mom asked with a smile.

"Hm? Ok" Hinami stacked the plates heading towards the door.

"Oh and could you bring me some sandwiches?" I asked Hinami before she left.

"Sure." With that Hinami walked out of the room.

"So, how have you been? Have you met anyone?" Mom asked, mostly curious to know if I've found that special someone.

"I've been good. And no, not really" I replied a little shy.

"What do you mean by 'not really'? Do you perhaps like anyone?" she asked with a giggle.

"N-no, nothing like that! I just... thought I had found someone,
but I was wrong." I replied, with anger and sadness in my voice.

"Oh, well let's talk about something else then."

"I'm back and I also brought your sandwiches Reina." Mom was interrupted by Hinami who was walking in the room with a plate.

"Thanks." I thanked her and grabbed a sandwich. I bit into it, chewing it into little pieces then swallowing it.


After mom explained everything that was happening I had to go out and walk for a bit by myself.

That bastard Yamori just can't leave me and my family the hell alone can he? He's already tortured me enough when I was younger, using me as one of his 'toys' to fulfill his sadistic hobby.

I 'helped' him find more ways of torture I guess you could say. He experimented on me for about a year and a half. The only reason I didn't die in his hands was because I regenerate fast and I was the only useful 'toy' he had.

Apparently all his other 'toys' died to quickly and didn't regenerate as fast as he wanted them to.

A grumbling noise disturbed my thoughts.

I'm hungry again. Now what?

I sigh, knowing I would have to satisfy my hunger. I didn't even walk ten feet and I'm hungry.

Changed to 3rd pov

"NOOOO! PLEASE! SPARE ME!" A voice screamed, terror evident in the voice.

"Awww I wish I could, but there's a little problem... I'm hungry, very hungry." A teasing voice spoke.


All the commotion was coming from a dark alley. A male human and a female ghoul.

"Could you stop squirming around so much? It would really help a lot if you would." The female ghoul asked politely. She grabbed his foot with her kagune swinging him around.

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