Just kill me

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Y'all I'm terribly sorry for not updating. I'm not used to this shit so I suck ass and don't know how to make time to write. Now then, school is almost over for me (like a month left), but testing isn't.😒 I hate, but don't hate testing tho so I'm not that mad about it. But I have to start sleeping early cuz we test all fucking day long and I can't afford to be half asleep the entire time we're testing.

And I totally give u guys permission to murder me for not updating. Lately I've been really tired and I have no energy to think of something to write, which sucks. Even tho I already know what next chapter is gonna be about. And what also sucks is that I'm the most forgetful mf so I forgot when Kaneki goes to get his mask made by Uta (it's a pretty important part for this book), so now I have to rewatch from the beginning. It's alright tho I don't mind.

But good news about this is that once testing is over I will have hopefully gotten my energy back up and start writing more often since school isn't going to be as tiring. I mean the only thing we're going to learn is literally cursive writing for the rest of the year which is only going to be 2 weeks but awards, graduation, and celebration is gonna be on the last week so it's only a week of cursive writing.

Anyway, this coming week I start testing so after that maybe a week later be expecting a chapter. If I don't update sorry. But just know that I still want to finish this book.

See ya in like 2 weeks.


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