Chapter 6

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~Reina's POV~

After Eto changed out of her Aogiri outfit and into her normal clothes, we headed to her favorite cafe. To be honest I'm hungry, even at a time like this. Most of the time I'm hungry, I don't know why though. Maybe it's cause of my...illness?

"So, did you and Ayato fight again?" Eto asked as we were walking, almost making it to our destination. I let out a small sigh, getting ready to reply.

"Yeah, and I really need your advice. I want to be able to be with him but at the same time I don't because we fight more than anything." I responded to her question.

As we walked down the street I looked around seeing two couples, one were holding hands and the other were hugging each other's sides while walking.

I wonder how often they have fights...

"Reina, we're here" Eto stopped me, pointing to the cafe.

"Oh, sorry. I was distracted." I smile and head to the entrance. After we get inside Eto asks for a table for two and the waitress walks us to one. Once we take our seats the waitress asks us what we want to order. Eto only gets a coffee while I get a slice of cheesecake with a coffee to accompany it.

We sit in silence as we wait for the drinks and food. Minutes later the waitress comes back with what we ordered. We gave our 'thank you's and the she left. Eto turns to look at me, then starts to speak.

"You guys fight like you're a couple even when you're not in a relationship. And after you've started fighting there's no telling what's going to happen next between you two." She says and takes a sip of her coffee after.

"I know and I always try to avoid fighting with him because I hate it and he hurts me more than anything. I'm just tired of it. All I want is love from him but I receive the opposite. " I start to sadden more and more after each word I say.

"I don't know why you're still trying to go out with him when all he does is toy with your feelings. I can tell that you always try your hardest to not fight but it seems like he couldn't give two- you know what I mean." She stopped herself from cussing since we were in a public place.

I take a couple of bites from the cheesecake while she finishes talking. After I feel the sweet creamy dessert go down my throat I open my mouth to speak.

"I know but I don't want to leave him. " I feel so helpless just hearing those words come out of my mouth. I pick up my cup of coffee, drinking it, anticipating her response.

"Heh, just forget him. Don't you see how he's hurting you? He's preventing you from seeing others. From now on I want you to act like you never met him and go find someone new."

Wha- I feel the smooth warm coffee go down somewhere it's not supposed to and start coughing, my lungs trying to rid of the liquid that entered them. After recovering a small sigh comes out of my mouth already knowing what I'm going to say next.

"I don't think it's going to be easy. He helped me through a lot and means something to me." I respond.

"But I guess I'll try to." I give a small smile as a sign of hope to find someone new that actually cares for me.

"Hm~ I love seeing you smile. I hope you meet someone that makes you smile just thinking of them." She looks at me as if I were the most beautiful person she's seen.

Someone that makes me smile just thinking of them, huh...that special someone, where are you? Will I find you soon?


Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if no one reads this book anymore😂😂. This was short af with only 652 words. If someone is still reading this just kno I'm gonna add on to this chap, so check back on this chap maybe a week from now. Sorry not sorry for not updating on time. I'm just a lazy fuck like that. And when I say I'll update in a week make that 2+ weeks😂😂. And that OnS book... Idk if I'll continue it. Cuz PLOTS. I have a new plot for it sooo...Yeah idk maybe I'll make 2 diff ones. Also changing the book cover. This prolly the last time I'll do it...hopefully😂

Peace out fuckers😂

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