Chapter 5

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~3rd pov~

"My kiss. You promised."

The young purple haired male stood beside the short female with a smirk on his face that could only mean trouble.

"Oh, y-yeah." The dark brown haired girl hesitated for a second.

Ayato grabs the girls waist pulling her closer to him.

She's actually gonna do it... wow, I should do this more often

Thought Ayato, but what he didn't expect is that things wouldn't go the way he wanted it to.

Why the hell did I accept this??

The girl thought a bit panicked. She tried to search for a reason as to why she would accept such a thing. And this wasn't her first kiss either, she just didn't want to kiss someone. Especially a person she didn't even go out with.

I've got it!

She felt a bit clever about the little plan she had come up with to avoid the kiss. Although it was a pretty common way to swerve a kiss, she felt a bit proud of herself for thinking of a plan in a short amount of time.

Both teens, not far from being adults, inched their faces closer, slowly.

Reina, being a short girl, had to stand on the tips of her toes. Her black heels were pretty much useless as she was still short.

Both were a bit anxious for the out come of this event. Reina worried if her plan would work and Ayato worried that he'll get a slap after his little plan.

There faces were mere inches away from each other, their lips close yet far from each other.

Reina moved one of her hands up behind Ayato's head, intertwining her hand in his hair almost as if wanting to do more than just a kiss.

A little 'whoosh' sound reached Ayato's ears.

His lips landed on something that wasn't Reina's lips. He opened his eyes to see her face, eyes closed, and face close very close to his.

He looked down to see what his lips had touched. He saw Reina's hand covering her mouth Her hand was blocking a chance to do something he probably won't be able to do in a while.

"There you go Aya!" The girl quickly stepped away from the male, opened the car door, and got inside.

"Wha- Reina, you bitch!" As he was cussing Reina out he stomped to the drivers side of the car, opened the door, and entered the car a bit pissed.

At an abandoned building

"But you never said where to kiss you!"

Both were fighting while heading down the hallway, to go to the meeting room.

"When I called you, I specifically said 'on the lips' Reina! How idiotic and forgetful can you be?!"

The two were fighting as if they were a couple. Although no one, well only one person, said it out loud they knew the two would look cute together.

"Ughhhh! I'm never asking you for any favors anymore! That way you won't have to talk to me and I won't have to talk to you!" Reina looked straight ahead with a bit of confidence while still walking down the hall with Ayato.

He felt a small ache in his heart as he heard what Reina said.

She quickly regretted what she told him. She actually enjoyed talking with him. But after what happened she couldn't trust him the same way she used to...

"Like I give a damn! A dove can kill you on your way here for all I care!" Words spilled out of his mouth, words he never wanted to say to her. He didn't want her to be gone forever. In fact he wanted to be with her forever.

Although they were cute together, their fights were never cute. It's as if they have a strong hate for each other when they fight, stronger then their own love.

"I don't know why I ever wanted to date an asshole like you! And guess what? I don't regret breaking up with you."

She wanted to leave the place and cry, but with all the strength she had, she took a deep breathe, and blinked back her tears.

"And I don't regret cheating on you! In fact I was only using you!"

They've fought before but she was done hearing insults like that. She had heard them for most of her life so she was used to it, but the fact that he admitted he was using her hurt her.

"Don't ever talk to me again. If you ever try to communicate with me in any sort of way you'll regret it." She was done with him. She was hurt by him many times and she gave him many chances.

Part of the reason why she's the way she is now.

They both arrived to the room after what felt like an eternity of walking and fighting with each other.

"You guys are here! Alright we can start now! Hehe." The green haired girl, named Eto, announced with a small giggle.

After meeting

"So everyone is informed of what we will be doing next. Any questions?" Eto asked looking around for any hands in the air.

"No? Alright meeting dismissed." Everyone was standing up and heading out. 

Reina walked out of the room waiting in the hallway for a certain green haired girl. She was still sad about the event that happened not even less than two hours ago.

"Hey Eto, can we go somewhere? I wanna speak with you."  Reina asked changing her stoic face with a sad expression. Eto quickly noticed the saddened look on her face.

"Sure, lets go." She answered as they walked down the hallway together.


Hello there! Long time no see. I'm sorry this is short (it's only 951 words) but I finished this at 1:05am to be exact. I would've made it longer but I have testing tomorrow all day long and I'm not looking forward to it. We're gonna stop testing at 2:20 I think and we leave school at 3:25. And I broke my nail today which sucked ass but oh well. Oh and I changed the book cover hope u guys like it.

Vote or comment if ya liked this chapter. I gotta get my beauty sleep (ugh I felt like a preppy kid when I wrote that) Peace out ma dudes.✌️


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