The Weekend part[2]

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Naya & Eli ^

(At The Mall)

The mall is crowded as hell!!

We managed to look to almost all the shops, I got me some things for my bathroom and room like this little cute lamb in a dinosaur egg shaped ( Yeah I LOVE dinosaurs).

We got into toys R us i insisted of course I just have a weakness for stuffies.🙄

After i got about three different stuffies we head to Starbucks near the school because it's getting late and I am not walking to my dorm alone in the middle of the night it's scary.

We stood in line and soon it was our our turn I did not notice until Eli poke me gaining my attention off the phone.

"Peet what do you want?"

"Same as always"

"Okay, one small black with aside sugar and a small cappuccino with cream and a large lattè with three sugar and cream and caramel"

"All that sugar is not good for you you know, you are going to stay up all night and then sleep in class!!" Naya scolded, I shrug and and take my cup of happiness.

We sat on table nest to the window enjoying the view.

"I met the new twins today" I blubber out of the blue after taking a sip of my coffee.

Naya choked on her drink looking wide eyed at me.

"What!! How" Naya said.

"I bumped into them on my way back to the dorm earlier, it was so weird"

Eli asked confused "Why is it weird?"

"I do not know, I just had that freaky odd electricity when they made contact with me."

"Ohhh~ looks like you have a crush on them~" Naya said

"Ohhh~ your so stupid" i say mocking her sentence.

"There straight as a line remember? They are dating dumb and dumber." I felt a little upset.

"They could be bi you know" Naya said noticing the frown i have now.

"Mhm, can we go now i do not want to walk alone to the dorm at least i wanna catch the cleaners"

Naya snapped "what! No fucking way it's only 10:30 and it's weekend let's go to a club or something"

I glare at her "we are 16"

She smirk at me and at Eli
"But Eli is not, his 18, dude u can sneak us in or something"

Eli did not look very keen of the idea "I don't know... but it is early...come on I know a place that can get us in"

He said getting up. They   ran out with me yelling for them "wait!! What about our bags? I paid for those with all my month allowance bitch am not losing them" he just rolled his eyes and grabbed my bags ana Naya's "I'll but them in a safety locker okey? Now lets go"

I sigh loudly, this is going to be a long night...


I don't like this chapter...
Anyway the next will be better so yeah thanks.

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