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There are a lot of mistakes probably because I wrote before i go to bed 🙂💔


I watched as my brother whispered into our baby's ear feeling the pleasure seeing him shivering under his touch.

I love that we have that effect on him I can't wait to see him un...oh god i need to stop thinking so horny about my baby he still innocent and I can tell by the look on his face when we're with him he blushes deeply and get sweaty no player can fake that..

I see m twin talking to our little cutie and by the look of it I think his confused and....


As I walk to them i can see his face turning red and his eyes filled with un shed tears?

When I was standing in front of them I hear him say "You ass holes" he grits his teeth together showing his anger his so cute though.

He turned and walked fast out more like run.

I turn to my brother with confused look " what happened? What did you tell him"

He stairs at me blankly " I just said that we want to go out with him on a date and he got upset!"


"I'll go talk to him" I said.
After that i run after him along the hall way and find him heading to the back of the school "where are you going Peter?" I say more to my self as keep tracking his steps. He heads to the background and sits behind a tree, I come close and he doesn't notice me because of his crying and his look absolutely broke my heart. He was sitting and looked at his hands and crying his eyes out!


"Why do I always have to pee when I'm about to eat ugh now my food is gonna get cold".. I mumbled mostly to my self running to the boys restroom. I enter one of booths and start doing my business when i hear two guys chatting outside.."Dude i can believe Leon and Logan are fa**ts and they actually would go out with peter the dinosaurs dork" one of the said chuckling.

What the hell?!!

"Nah man they're dating the hottest girls in school, from what I heard it's a big prank on the dork and it's gonna be so sick bro" his friend said joining him laughing.

I couldn't believe it.

But they didn't ask me out or anything so that's mean it's just a silly roomer right?

Yeah it's just roomer.

I get out of the restroom speeding to my food what someone stops me med-way to the canteen, it's Leon?

"Hi" he says.

I don't know how did that came out as question!

He looks nervous.. why is he nervous?

Then he started to talk again, "look peter I don't leike big intros or digging around the bush. Me and brother would like to take you out on a date this weekend...."

I stair at him for a few seconds taking what he just said when my mind linked his words and what those boys said from earlier..

Those mothef****ra

I feel my face heating and my eyes filled with tears as i sent daggers into his eyes the only thing I mange to say "you asshole".

I can't believe someone would
go that far for a joke!!!
I rushed down the hall heading to tho back yard of the school getting as far as possible from him and his sick brother, I don't even know why am crying is not like i like them or anything...


"Peter baby please don't cry what is it tell me sweetie hm?"
I hear him say to me with a gentle tone.
I look at him and his face softened.. damn my crying face.

I try my best to show my angry face "What you want? Trying to make this prank happen so you and friends can have a little laugh huh" i scream at him and hit his chest as hard as i can but clearly he's not affected.

His face is confused witch makes me even more angry.
"What are you talking about! What prank?" "Look baby whatever you heard it's not true when everyone knows we broke up with our ex girlfriends they spread this stupid roomer that we want to prank you believe me baby it's not true"

I looked at him for a moment.

Hiii cute people!!!
I know I haven't been updating but im going through a rough time now a lot of things are on my mind and stuff so..

Just wanted to say thank you all for commenting and dm me your opinion and stuff you guys are so cute.
Stay happy 😊


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