05 | upset

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he left her, and she was upset.

CH 5

"Rosie... It's okay, you're going to be alright."

Delilah handed her another tissue, which Rosie promptly accepted, before she blew her nose into it.

"You really think so, Deli?" Rosie sniffed out. She looked like a mess, with her tangled blonde hair, her red nose, and her tear stained face. She grabbed another tissue from Delilah, pressed them to her eyes, before looking at up at her. "Do you think I'll ever get someone like C -Callum?"

"No, and we're glad you won't get someone like him." Anika's bored voice snapped up from where she was seated. She stood up, and with three purposeful strides, she was right next to Rosie. "I bet you can get another boy, who'd give you way more attention than Callum ever gave you, in a heart beat."

And these words, hurt Rosie. They hurt her so much, because she felt the underlying truth within them.

"I don't mean to be offensive, but Rosie, didn't you think he was too - " she paused here for a moment, unable to come up with a proper word, " - lame?"

Rosie looked up at her with her watery eyes, and shook her head.

"That's not how you should say it, Anika," Delilah piped up softly. "Everyone's got their own views, and for Rosie, Callum was perfect."

"What did you even see in him?" Anika asked, in a softer tone this time.

Everything that you couldn't, Rosie thought, but she didn't have the energy to say it out loud. Anika was always confused as to how Rosie chose Callum.

While all the other girls in her squad, were more drawn towards the jocks, and the popular boys, Rosie found out that she had a liking for the shy, quiet boys. They seemed more loyal.

But were they really?

"Rosie, listen... I've noticed this from the beginning, but he never really cared. He's always just wanted to become popular, but when he couldn't, he realized that it was a complete waste loving you."

There went Anika with her 0% sugar coating. There she went, painfully slicing Rosie with her words.

"He's just been using you all this while, trust me. He must have been proud that he stepped into our squad, even if it was only for a little time. And how could he just leave you at his door, and not even invite you inside? Wouldn't he have the basic courtesy to do all that, seeing as it was your father who bought him that flat after he felt pity for Callum?" Anika stopped for a second, to pluck a tissue out of the box besides Rosie. She took the tissue and forcefully rubbed on Rosie's cheeks to remove the tears. "Don't spill another tear, over him, you get me? You're going to go up to him, and ask him to return the keys. Tell him you need the keys to his house, right now. Do it, Rosie."

Rosie looked up at Anika, unable to believe what she was asking her to do.

"Are you s - serious?"

"I'm serious, Rosie. He can't just claim to be in love with you for two whole years, and then dump you like this... What are you gonna say when people ask you what happened? That he broke up with you?"

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