06 | sad

228 20 18

he left her, and she was sad.

CH 6

Rosie's tongue involuntarily popped out between her teeth as she wrote with a marker on the cardboard box in front of her.

She put the cap back onto the marker, and leaned back to take a look at the box.

She had written Callum's name, in her neat handwriting. The box contained all of his possessions that he had somehow left behind at Rosie's place over the years. Notebooks and guitar plectrums...and most importantly, a few sweaters. She grabbed a grey one that was sat right on top of the box.

Grey was such a beautiful color on him. It went really well with his skin tone, and made him look ten times adorable than he already did. She brought the sweater up to her nose, and buried her face in its soft textures.

Immediately she was swamped by the dozens of memories that flooded her head. Sitting next to him, all curled up and cosy, as it rained outside. Scooping out spoonfuls of raspberry ice cream when the sun beat down on them. Laying on his arm and playing with the fabric of the sweater during fall.

"What are you doing?"

Her grandmothers voice snapped her out of her reverie, and she looked up at her, the sweater held tightly between her two hands.

"I'm just...you know...cleaning?" She replied unsurely.

Her grand mother hobbled over behind her to get a good view. "Throwing away his stuff?" She asked, with a sad smile as she looked at the box.

Rosie sighed and nodded. She carefully folded the sweater, and placed it back into the box. She stroked the fabric of the sweater one last time, before closing the flaps of the box. "Not exactly throwing away, but...you know - giving them back to him."

She picked up the sellotape that was beside her and sealed the flaps shut.

"I presume you guys have broken up?" Her grandmother asked, as she sat herself down on the couch.

Rosie shook her head. "He - he broke up with me," she said in a broken voice. "He's stopped loving me, Grams. I don't know what to do, to make him love me. I tried a lot of thinks to try and rekindle his feelings for me. There doesn't seem like there's anything left for me to do."

"There doesn't have to be anything left for for you to do, Rosie. Trust me."

She looked up at her grandmother, who was wearing a comforting smile. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, he's stopped loving you, and that's all. You don't make someone fall back in love with you. They either love you, or they don't. And if it takes your effort to make them love you, then it isn't true love you're getting."

Everything her grandmother said, made more sense to Rosie, then anything else. But it also meant that she'd have to accept that Callum had stopped loving her. She'd have to accept it and stop trying to fix what they had.

"Also, it isn't Callum's fault. Feelings can change in a person, and at one point, I'm sure he did truly love you. But that time was long ago, and now he just doesn't feel that way towards you anymore. And that's completely okay."

If falling out of love with Rosie, was unintentional then it really wasn't his fault. And if it wasn't his fault, then there was no point plotting all those revengeful schemes against him.

"That goes beautifully with that scarf, Deli

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"That goes beautifully with that scarf, Deli."

Rosie, Delilah and Anika were at Primark, doing some shopping for the next day's New Years bash that was being hosted by Ben Alexander.

"Wait, don't take it off. Give me a couple of poses, will you?" Rosie took her phone out of her pocket and Delilah struck a few poses, that Rosie took pictures of. "Up and ready for my next Instagram post..." She said, with a small smile.

They suddenly heard Anika's voice from inside the changing closet. "Guys? Can you pass over a pair of those acid wash jeans? Slim fit, extra small?"

Rosie put her phone back into her pocket and walked over to the hanger that and the jeans. She picks one up, and slung it over the top of the changing closet.

"Thanks," came Anika's muffled reply from inside.

"So how are things with Callum? Delilah asked, her words laced with concern.

"They're...Well - " Rosie paused for a second, unable to come up with an answer. "They're okay, I guess."

"Are you sure?" Delilah asked, her brows knitted together in worry. "You don't seem like they're fine."

Rosie sighed and slumped down on the stool that was provided outside the changing closets. At that exact moment, Anika stepped out, wearing a body-hugging, white, chunk-knit sweater, with the acid wash jeans.

She looked over at Delilah and Rosie, and rolled her eyes at Rosie's morbid state. "Don't tell me you're still moping about him..." She said.

Rosie shook her head, and looked down. "There's nothing else I can do, Anika. I'm not going to try and get my revenge, because it's not his fault he's stopped liking me. I just have to accept it and..." She took a deep breath. "And move on."

"Okay, so you're going to move on. But does that mean you're going to spend days and nights moping about like this?" Anika asked.

"No, no..." Rosie let Anika's question sink in. She tapped her feet against the black tiles.

"Then what? I need a clear answer. You can't be moping around like this." Anika folded her eye and looked at Rosie.

"Anika..." Delilah began in her soft voice, but got cut across by Rosie.

"It's the thirtieth of December, right?" Rosie asked both of them.

"Yeah," Anika replied.

"Then I'll be over Callum, by the end of this year."

a/n: just another chapter left, y'all

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a/n: just another chapter left, y'all. I really hope you've been liking this book of mine. and trust me, you're gonna like the ending.

also, I love how the timing of the story coincides with the actual timing for when it's being updated. like the dates and stuff. <3

loads of love, and wishing you a nice festive season,


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