Sick Curly

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Zoro and Chopper got out of the car and headed inside. Chopper sniffed around as Zoro followed him, before his head picked up and bolted down a hallway. Zoro followed after before they skid to a stop outside of a room. Zoro pulled back the curtain to Nami holding Satori. He turned to Sanji lying in the hospital bed the heart monitor beeping softly. Zoro sighed in relief and turned to Nami.

"Zoro." She sniffled.

"What happened?" Zoro asked.

"I-I don't know, Sanji was making lunch and. Then I heard a out thud, I got up seeing Sanji passed out. Then I called 911. And now we're here."

Satori reached out to Zoro as Chopper went and sat next to Sanji. Zoro scooped up his son and sat down next to Sanji.

"Adda." Satori said.

He patted his hand, but Sanji didn't move. Zoro's eye widened when he heard the tapping of wood and squeak of a shoe.

"Shit." Zoro muttered.

He swallowed and turned to Zeff walking into the hospital room. Satori grinned and reached out for him.

"Eff! Eff!" Satori cried.

Zeff grinned as the boy was passed on to Zeff, he sat next to Zoro bouncing the boy on his knee. Zoro got up and patted his shoulder before heading to the door.

"Nami come here a second." Zoro said.

She got up and followed Zoro outside, he closed the curtain and glared to her.

"This is your fault." Zoro growled.

"Me?" Nami gasped.

"He hasn't slept, hasn't eaten much, he'll hasn't spent time with his family because he's taking care of you. Sanji would drop everything just to make you happy. And now that this has happened, I'm terrified. Either you suck it up or get out of our house." Zoro growled.

Then he stormed inside shutting the curtain, Nami sighed as she headed down the hall. Zoro sighed sitting down next to Sanji. Zeff put a hand over his having Zoro turn to him.

"Don't worry, this isn't the first time this has happened." Zeff said.

"Has this happened before?" Zoro asked.

"A few times, Sanji has always over worked himself. So. He should be fine."

Sanji sat up a second later earning there attention, he rubbed his eyes and turned to Zoro and Zeff.

"Wh-what happened?" Sanji asked.

"Nami said she found you in the kitchen on the floor. So your resting in the hospital." Zoro said.

He hummed, "I still have to make her milkshake."

"No, Sanji your going to rest until you feel better. Nami can handle herself. She's not in the hospital. You are."

Sanji looked to him drowsy and tired, "I'm cold."

Zoro pulled off his coat and helped Sanji slip into it. He smiled pulling it closer on him and pulled up his blanket. Zoro turned to Zeff playing with Satori.

"You mind keeping Satori for a bit until Sanji is better?" Zoro asked.

Zeff chuckled, "I wouldn't mind."

"Zoro, can we go home. I don't like it here." Sanji asked.

"He can be released."

They turned to Law putting a pen behind his ear and flipping through Sanji's charts. He looked up to the family and pulled his pen back into his hand. Without looking he clicked his pen and signed on the doctors signature.

"Give him plenty of bedrest, don't be surprised if he get sick. But he should be back on his feet in three or four days." Law said.

Zoro nodded as Zeff, Satori and Zoro left for Law to tend to Sanji.

"Did you still want me to take Satori?" Zeff asked.

"Could you? He said Sanji might get sick so, I don't want to risk him getting sick as well." Zoro said.

Zeff nodded, Zoro took Satori to say goodbye.

"You'll be a good boy for papa Zeff won't you?" Zoro asked.

"Eff! Eff!" He cheered.

Zoro smirked, "That's my boy."

The curtain opened as Sanji stood fully dressed, he approached Zoro who pulled him close. Sanji weakly hugged him back, Zoro pulled back staring at him with a dark look in his eyes.

"You promised you would take care of yourself." Zoro growled.

"I know, I just. Got caught up helping Nami." Sanji smiled.

Zoro sighed, "What am I going to do with you?"

"Love me."

He smirked pulling Sanji into another hug. Sanji said his goobye to Satori before they headed to Zoro's car. Zoro helped him inside and buckled him in before getting in himself. They started their way home, when Sanji crept his hand onto Zoro's thigh. He glanced to Sanji with a small smile.

"I didn't give you your treat the other day." Sanji purred.

Zoro looked back to the road, "Not now cook, you just got out of the hospital."

"I just, wanted to make up for. Not listening to you. Your my husband after all, and father of my-"

Zoro took his hand, "It's alright, just. Get some sleep."

Sanji rested against the head rest and shut his eyes, Zoro's thumb rubbed over Sanji's.

"Zoro." Sanji said.

"Yeah?" Zoro asked.

"You know, I love you right?"

He chuckled, "Yeah, I love you too. Now go to sleep."

Sanji smiled trying to sleep as Zoro drove home. After a good ten minutes Zoro got home and scooped up Sanji. He took him inside where the house was spotless, Zoro furrowed as Nami stepped out of the kitchen.

"I owe you guys." She shrugged, "Now put him to bed so he can rest."

Zoro smiled, "Thank you."

He took Sanji into the bedroom, and put him into the bed. Pulling the blankets up to his chest and sitting beside him. Zoro took his hand rubbing his thumb over the back of his hand. Once night fell. Sanji had caught a fever. Zoro stayed up most of the night sitting beside him and changing the rag on his forehead.

"Get better soon, Cook." Zoro muttered.

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