My Deepest Apologizes

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This is an announcement: Regarding Husbands and Roommates. So... I don't think I will continue writing for that book. The reason why is I haven't gotten as much hype, and there was an idea i came up with a few years go. Where Zoro was going to threaten divorce because Loulee was brought into the picture and is Sanji's biological daughter. Since I got allot of.... complaints about how Zoro reacting to Loulee being Sanji's daughter. I decided to drop the story all together. Also it would of been too much to put into it and I also fell out of writing it. BUT BUT BUT! There is some hope. I've been thinking of writing another Neighbors. Since I was it in my universe that Loulee and Satori are brother and sister. You will see why whenever I have time to write and publish it. Again. I am terribly sorry for the followers who loved my Roommates series. But I don't think I will continue. I apologize to the deepest of my heart. I do hope you enjoy Adore You and Lover's and Fighter's.

I also posted this to any new comers or who didn't get my message. I'm so sorry.

Update: I forgot to mention.... I have been working on a story called Shouldn't be Falling. A zosan School AU. (AKA: It's just a prolonged Can't Help Falling) so whoever mentioned to make a chapter story of that. I thank you.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2017 ⏰

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