Chapter Four

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It took two weeks for Onyx to heal. They weren't sure if she was completely healed, but the pain was gone and the minimal bruising Hannah hadn't been able to stop was gone, so they assumed she was at least pretty much healed. But those two weeks where Onyx hadn't been able to do things had proved helpful. It gave them time to devise a plan to find and kill Spider-Man.

Onyx hadn't felt things like pain or fear in a long time, but yet that stupid hero had been able to make her feel more pain than she had felt in her whole life. The teenager had sworn revenge on him, and before she killed him, she was going to make him feel just as much pain as he had made her feel, if not more.

The plan was relatively simple.

First, they needed to find someone - or someones - to create a sort of diversion. They needed to attract the attention of Spider-Man.

Second, once Spidey showed up, Onyx and Hannah were going to follow him, find out where he lives or works, or something like that.

Third, they would use this place to discover his real identity, and trap him thusly.

It was simple. They figured the tracking would be the hardest part as the masked hero tended to swing around the city on his webs, but they hoped that they were at least quick enough to follow him, no matter how he decided to travel.

"You wan' me to do what?" the man asked as Onyx and Hannah stood in front of him. He was homeless, like them, but he lived in Central Park and was probably a drug addict.

"Something to attract Spider-Man's attention," Hannah repeated, exasperated.

"Like wha'?" he asked.

"I don't know, but if you do it, and get his attention, we'll give you fifty bucks," Onyx promised. "But only if you succeed."

Now motivated by money that he could use to buy more drugs, or coffee, or food, what have you, the man agreed. He said that they needed to be in the park tomorrow at noon, near where they had met with their last client. They agreed and the next day, they were sitting at a chess table, waiting for something to happen.

And that something, turned out to be the homeless guy and a buddy of his, starting a fight in the middle of the path and getting random civilians involved. Watching with silent but exasperated expressions, Onyx and Hannah rolled their eyes at each other.

It wasn't what they had in mind, but if it worked, they would give the man the fifty bucks they promised him.

By the time Spider-Man showed up, the small fight had turned into an all out brawl, causing pedestrians trying to pass by to turn on their heels and find another way. Spider-Man swung through and started to web people to trees or posts or park benches.

Silently, the two girls got out of their seats and followed the masked hero as he made his way back out of the park. Once back near the tall buildings, he began to swing from them again and Onyx and Hannah began to run in pursuit.

They tracked him around city blocks, through traffic and red lights, not caring that they were putting themselves in a position to be hit. They needed to find out who Spider-Man was and they weren't going to stop till they had accomplished their task. This job may not pay out like the others did, but it was worth it just as much.

It was to their surprise when he stopped in front of a high school. Midtown High School, to be specific. Spider-Man swung into a tree and stayed there for a few minutes, before a lanky kid with brown hair dropped out of the tree and ran towards the front doors, getting inside just as a shrill bell rang.

"He's a student?" Hannah yelled in outrage once they'd returned home.

"It makes sense," Onyx added, "if you look at his track record. He's an incredibly sarcastic and lanky kid. Of course he's a teenager."

"I thought you hated him?" Hannah said.

"I do, Han, I just appreciate the logic of discovering he's a student," she replied easily.

"So now what do we do? How do we discover which kid he is?" Hannah asked.

"Well, that's the easy part."

"How is that easy?"

"We know where he goes to school, all we have to do is attend Midtown High School."

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