Chapter Eleven

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Slowly, Adie and her mother looked towards her father and stared in horror at the blood pouring from the wound that should have been on Onyx's body. Holding their breath, they watched as Onyx twisted the knife over in her hand again, still not breaking eye contact with her father, and plunged the knife into her stomach.

More blood poured from a new wound on her father's stomach, and more pain shot through him, and he was beginning to get lightheaded at the blood loss, but he still couldn't move a muscle.

When he was on the verge of passing out, Onyx blinked and suddenly he could move again, and he fell backwards into his chair and closed his eyes.

"Onyx," came Adie's voice, soft, careful. Scared. "Give me the knife. Please."

The younger girl rounded on her sister and locked eyes with her, anger still surging through her body. Adie could only watch her sister's eyes change from their natural vivid emerald green to the soft chocolate brown. That was when she knew that something bad was about to happen. Again.

Onyx repeated the action she had done to her father, plunging the knife deep into her stomach and holding it there for a few seconds. There was horror in Adie's mind, and surprise. And even the faintest hint of sadness. She hadn't expected Onyx to do this, but she had.

Then Onyx was pulling out the knife for all the blood to pour.

Adie screamed in pain as soon as Onyx broke the connection. She screamed out for a single moment, pain filling her body as her eyes turned on her sister.

There was the sadness again. This time in her eyes.

And as Onyx watched both her father and sister bleed out from wounds that she had caused, all of her emotions bled out with them.

Onyx no longer felt a thing.

Except that wasn't entirely true, was it?

Not anymore.

This house, these people, they were doing something to Onyx and she didn't like it. She knew that once that door was open for emotions to come in that they wouldn't stop. That was a one-way ride to pain.

She had to get out of this house and the only way for her to do that was for her to kill Spider-Man. Because it was only once her mission was over that she could get out and go back to her old life and stop this assault of emotions currently coming her way.

Tomorrow she would talk to Hannah and they would find some way of getting back into the swing of things and getting things back to normal. If she didn't kill someone soon, Onyx didn't know what was going to happen.

But whatever it was, it certainly wasn't going to be good.

The nightmares were coming more frequently. Onyx wasn't sure how long she could handle them all. There were so many possible scenarios that could play out as nightmares in Onyx's sleeping moments. So many people that could haunt Onyx's nights.

She would stop it.

She would complete her mission and get as far away from Peter Parker and his smiles and his emotion-bringing as she could.

If she never saw him again, it would be too soon.

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