Right here Right now.

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-Caitlin/Static Bomb's POV-

My eyes opened to be greeted by the dark room, the click on the wall said it was 9AM, it was time to get up. Gerard was sleeping peacefully next to me, so as I slid out if bed I was careful not to disturb him. I slipped on my clothes and tidied myself up as much as I could.

It was time I went and spoke to my Dad, the hallway was empty when I walked into it, hopefully I wouldn't bump into Mikey... god knows what he heard from last night.

I blushed at my own thoughts as I stepped into the elevator, pressing the 26th floor button. I wasn't wasting anytime, this had to be done. I took the time to look around at everything, savouring every little detail.

It's nearly time.

I told Static, she became present in my mind.

I can see that, it's still not too late to back out you know..

Yes it is, not that I would anyway. You'll have Frank back soon, why can't you just be happy?

Because you're like my best friend

I am? Well, thanks I guess.

Yeah, but you've been assuming this whole time that this will work, what if it doesn't?

I have to have faith, Static, maybe you should get some too.

What about Gerard? What about his feelings?

That reminds me, make sure you look after him. Don't let him die or do anything stupid.


No, promise me.

I promise Caitlin, I'll take care of him, but only if you give him a proper goodbye.


The doors opened up into a long corridor, but it wasn't lined with doors the were only two right at the end of the corridor, one marked with a danger sign. The memories flooded back all at once...

Static Fab, Cola and Exploder were stood outside the same doors she stood by now, we hated that they wouldn't tell us what was in there so she was going to slip into the room and check it out for myself.

Exploder wasn't to sure about it, while Cola couldn't wait to unwrap the secrets, Fab wasn't convicted but made no moves to stop her.

When they were sure nobody was in the room, Static opened the door and slipped in the click o the lock making it apparent that the door had closed behind her.

Looking around the walls were made of steel apart from one which was a huge window into an observation room that was lined with technology. And there was a single table made with a similar material. On top of the table was a black box, this confused Static, all this fuss for a box? It was covered in wires of all colours, then I was attached into a mainframe cable.

"Interested?" A voice suddenly said over intercom, Static spun round to see a short blonde haired girl standing behind the glass looking straight at her. Static didn't even say anything and she started to explain its purpose, "It's an amplifier, makes electricity more powerful, it powers the whole place, but it's unstable and if you mess with it, it could reverse the polarity therefore taking out all the electric in an area as big as a State." she explained as simply as she could so Static could understand, she stood amazed. one little box could do all that.

"Wow." she managed, the blonde girl laughed a little.

"And thats not the half of it." she said, Static raised an eyebrow at her. "there's a chance that instead of taking out the electrics it would just blow up the entire area. Hence why it's been put in there, I'd hate to you if that went off." she chuckled, Static shuffled towards the door. The next thought she got shook her to the bone, if this went off the BLI would be over, either way.. she shook off the thought, Static didn't want to be responsible for all the deaths if it went wrong, all the Killjoys that would die.

With one last look at the box, Static went back out of the room closing the door firmly behind her, without a word to the blonde girl. She was met with three people asking her questions but she ignored them and went back to her room, not knowing what to think. One thing she did know, no one else could know about that little black box...

As I came back to reality, I saw the observation room door was open a crack, I pushed it and walked in to find just the man I wanted to find, he noticed me standing there.

"Hello Caitlin." My father smiled, sent him a forced smile back. "Something you need?"

"I'd like that chat please." I said awkwardly, my confidence lacking slightly as Gerard wasn't here.

"Oh, of course. What did you want to talk about?" He asked putting down the piece of equipment he was fiddling with. I leaned back on the table, I was getting comfortable knowing that this could take a while.

"First,I huts want to say, I'm not the same Caitlin you think I am, she was taken to the BLI, they brain washed her until she became me and now we're sort of each other's alter egos." I said, it sounded strange to say out loud, he looked at me in disbelief. "Look at my eyes, hers were brown." I said.

"Wow." He said taking a step forward to observe me better, "so she's in there, like a subconsciousness?" He asked, I nodded glad he understood what I was talking about.

"Yes, I plan to give her body back, don't worry but first I have to give the killjoys some help." I stated seriously, he chuckled at me, I frowned not in the mood for his mockery. "What?" I seethed trying to keep a calm persona.

"How do you plan on doing that?" He asked. I only had to glance at the black box in the next room for his face to fall and become tens shades paler. "No. I can't let you do that." He said quickly.

"It's not like you can stop me." I pointed out.

"Yes, I can, I'm your-" he started I cut him off before he said it.

"No you are your Caitlin's farther, and you won't fight me because that would mean hurting your daughter." I said, I had it all worked out and he knew that as well as I did. I was going to do this wether he liked it or not.

"You could kill everyone." He tried to reason with me.

"Or I could give the Killjoys the biggest advantage in the history of the BLI, they rely on electricity for practically everything." I said, he was totally speechless, "but I need you to do something else."

He looked up at me, giving me a questionable look, "What?" He asked.

"I need something that can separate me from Caitlin." I said, he frowned down at the floor. "Is that possible?" If it wasn't then my whole plan was completely ruined.

"Yes, but the consequences could be huge." My dad told me, I didn't care what the consequences were, Static was getting herself back no matter what.

"Like what?" I asked just to be sure of was going to happen.

"Well you will either cast out or killed." He paced the floor irritably, it made me feel uncomfortable and fidgety as I watched his movements.

"As long as Caitlin is in control again I don't care." I said, he looked at me.

"You really want to do this? What about the red head, he obviously cares for you." He pointed out, why was Gerard everyone's reason to stop this, I loved him, I was doing this for him. So that once the Killjoys defeated the BLI he could live free, not constantly being hunted by SCARECROWS and Dracs.

"I know..." I trailed off but then changed the subject "so when can I have whatever it is?" I asked.

"Fine, meet me back here in an hour." He gave in, I nodded not showing any signs of emotion on my face. Mikey would be proud if my poker face.

And with that I worked out of the room and back to the elevator, I decided to see if Gerard was still asleep and so I went down to the 3rd floor, the second the doors opened I was confronted with everyone running round in a panic.

"What is going on?" I asked extremely confused, everyone spun round to look at me, slightly relieved but still worried about something. Gerard was suddenly hugging me tightly, mumbling into my hair.

"At least we found you." He said, I pulled back at what he said.

"Who's gone missing?" I asked panicking suddenly. I could see Ray frantic in the corner if my eye. Suddenly I noticed the one who wasn't there, who normally would have been right at Ray's side.

Motor Baby.

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