Death or Victory

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-Motor Baby/Dani's POV-

So I ran away from The Centre and was seriously starting to regret it, the heat seemed even more unbearable after spending a night in an air conditioned room. God that was the best night sleep I'd ever had, especially with Jet Star keeping me safe. He had slept on the other single bed. But early morning, after spending the night crying over the nightmares I'd had about Toxic I felt bad that I'd kept him up all night so I left him to sleep.

I already missed Toxic, she was like my sister and my best friend at the same time. She didn't judge me when Dr Death told her that Korse was my dad. That's something Jet could never replace, he had no idea about who I really was, I think Caitlin did know something but she looked like she had her own problems.

I'm 12, I shouldn't be here. I want to go home, home being where ever Toxic is but that can't happen because that stupid BLI took her life. I had been walking for a while and soon I came across a piece of bloodstained sand, that's where she jumped in front of a bullet... For me. Strange thing was her body was no longer there, the Dracs must have come back and taken it away for god knows what reasons.

I swear, if I ever cross paths with my Dad again I'll kill him, just like he killed Toxic. That's why I was really out here, to find him and get revenge, Toxic gave me her gun so maybe that's what she wanted me to do.

I felt kinda bad knowing Jet would be worried out of his mind but it didn't matter it was my time now.

Kneeling down next to the area covered in blood and put two fingers in it, the ground was dry now so I didn't get any on my hands. The moment was constantly replaying on my head and once again my eyes welled up with tears.

I heard the crunching of sand behind me, I spun round to see Jet. Standing smiling down at me sadly, I knew by the look on his face he'd been full out panicking before.

"Come here." he said after a second opening his arms, I jumped up and ran into them. Jet hugged me tightly, "please don't run off again you had everyone in panic mode." he told me, everyone? wow, that made me feel so much worse.

"I'm sorry." I cried, suddenly there was the all too familiar sound of a gun and jet fell to the floor holding his left leg and yelling out. "Jet!" I screamed, no not again! I couldn't lose Jet as well.

Shakily I pulled the gun from its holder and aimed it at the shooter, then I saw who it was. I froze.

"Ah, my daughter." Korse said with a sick sly smile. I recoiled from him as he stepped closer.

"Daughter!?" Jet exclaimed trying to get up, Korse kicked him down again.

"Stop it! Don't hurt him please!" I yelled out, Korse smiled at jet as he lay helpless on the floor. This couldn't be happening, it couldn't!

"Don't worry, in not here for him." Korse said smugly sending me a look that I understood straight away.

"No! Please!" I begged, the only one worse than my farther, was my mother "not her, anyone but her."

"too bad, mother wants to see you." by now he'd reached me an grabbed my forearm tightly, Jet struggled to his feet with a look of pure anger in his face but not directed at me, instead at daddy dear.

"Over my dead body." he spat through gritted teeth, he must have been in a lot of pain as his leg seemed to be bleeding quite a lot.

"That can be arranged." Korse said aiming his gun at Jets head.

"No!" I yelled grabbing his arm and yanking it down.

"don't worry our car should be here soon, we can go home." he chuckled at me weak attempt at fighting back, he merely shrugged me off.

The Killjoys of Zone 6 (MCR FanFic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora