chapter 1

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   ⠀⠀Kalani Hilliker had always loved summer. She liked how the trees in the park opposite her house turned pink with blossoms and how the flowers in her garden bloomed. She liked the heavy scent of pollen in the air and the way that light caught the surface of the river that gave her street it's name.⠀ ⠀⠀But what she liked most was that summer allowed her to be just like everyone else. When school ended she could see her friends all day, everyday, which was something she wasn't normally capable of doing. Plus, it didn't hurt that it meant she could spend more time with a certain someone.⠀⠀ ⠀⠀"Lani, hurry up." Nia called from the hallway downstairs.⠀ ⠀⠀"Coming!" Kalani shouted back, applying one last coat of mascara before grabbing her bag and heading down to where Nia was.⠀⠀ ⠀⠀"You take so long to get ready!" Her best friend moaned, handing Kalani one of the takeout coffee cups she had collected on the way over.⠀⠀ ⠀⠀"Thanks." She said, taking a cup. "But at least I'm not as bad as Kendall!" Kalani grinned as the two girls headed outside.⠀⠀ ⠀⠀"True." Nia admitted grudgingly. Kendall had once astounded all of the girls by actually taking a two hour long shower for no reason except her hair seemed "flat."⠀⠀ ⠀⠀Nia pulled a pair of Ray-Ban sunglasses from inside her Juicy Couture bag, placing them lightly on top of her brown curls. Nia looked like a goddess today. Her skin seemed to almost glow and her big brown eyes were framed with winged eyeliner.⠀⠀ ⠀⠀"Who's the lucky guy then?" Kalani asked her friend with a smirk. Nia feigned shock, but she was smiling when she replied.⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀"Brandon Pent." Nia said, grinning mischievously.⠀⠀ ⠀⠀"Kendall's ex? Really?" Kalani was confused. Nia and Kendall had a weird relationship. Sometimes they were the best of friends and other times they were arch enemies.⠀⠀

"Exactly." Nia smirked. It appeared the two were on rocky terms again. "What about you though Lani? Aren't there any guys you like at the moment?" Kalani blushed slightly. She had dated guys before sure, just never anyone she had wanted to stay with for particularly long. There was only one boy for her and he didn't have a clue how she felt.⠀⠀ ⠀⠀"What about Zack Torres?" Nia pushed as the two crossed the road, heading into the park, towards the gang's usual meeting place. They were having a picnic, something they did on the first day of summer vacation, without fail, every year.⠀⠀ ⠀⠀"He's Maddie's." Kalani pointed out, resisting the urge to say that she would much rather date another guy with brown hair.⠀⠀ Nia winked at her as they drew level with the group of teens sat by the edge of the river. "You know what they say, taken not dead." Kalani was stopped from pointing out that nobody said that when a chorus of "hellos" were directed their way. Nia smirked at Kalani as she walked over to sit by Brandon. Kalani would have had to be blind to miss the look of pure loathing that Kendall directed at Nia as the couple began to make out. The pair definitely seemed to be having some issues.⠀⠀
⠀⠀"Hey princess." A boy said happily as Kalani sat down on the grass. She blushed slightly at the nickname. She was infamous on the Riverdale estate. When the Hillikers had first moved to Pittsburgh everyone had been shocked that none of the three children were going to attend mainstream education. It didn't help that Kalani's family were particularly loaded thanks to her billionaire father. The town was used to snobby rich people, Riverdale was after all designed for the rich, but someone who thought they were too good for school? Over the years though, when it became apparent that the Hillikers were not in fact snobs and their daughter wasn't spoilt, the nickname became affectionate. But Kalani never forgot where it had come from.⠀⠀ ⠀⠀"You know I hate you calling me that, Josh." She replied, rolling her eyes at her friend.⠀⠀ ⠀⠀"You also hate hugs." He pointed out. "But that doesn't mean I'll ever stop giving you those." Kalani began shaking her head frantically, trying to signal uselessly that a bear hug from Josh was the last thing she wanted, but it was two late. He had already pulled her to her feet and had wrapped his arms round her waist. As she protested loudly he picked her up, squeezing her so hard she could barely breathe. She could feel his muscles through the thin cotton of his shirt and could smell his lime shower gel. When she thought she was actually going to pass out from lack of oxygen he finally released her. "There." He smiled, the sunlight making his teeth glint in a way that Kalani thought was totally unfair. Trust the universe to be conspiring against her. "That wasn't so bad, now was it?" ⠀⠀Kalani had no option other than to admit that it wasn't. She had never liked lying and it would have most certainly been dishonest of her to deny it. Especially since one of the reasons she had dragged herself out of bed that morning was in order to receive one of his hugs.⠀⠀ ⠀⠀She sat back down on the grass, right next Josh and for a moment she could have sworn she caught Nia smiling at her. Maybe she had found out who Kalani liked after all.⠀
But then the moment passed as Josh leaned forwards to tell her one of the funny stories that she had missed out on, because she didn't go to school. And as the sun shone on the group of teens by the river, Kalani found herself finding another reason for loving summer. When someone asks you why you seem happier, than anyone's ever seen you before, you can just smile and laugh, saying that it must be because it's vacation. That way nobody notices that the only reason you're smiling is because someone's leg is resting next to yours, or because the sun makes their hair shine. Or even because a few seconds ago, a petal from the blossom tree above you, settled on your cheek, so he leant forward to brush it away.⠀⠀  

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