chapter 10

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 ⠀⠀Nia's house was filled with a mass of drunk teens and crushed solo cups of alcohol. Music blared from every available speaker and the partygoers were either dancing, drinking or making out. Then there were those doing all three.⠀⠀

⠀⠀The night had started off well. Kalani had showed up in her brand new Ariana Grande Collection dress to much approval, with arguably one of the hottest dates going. Her mission was simple: make Josh jealous enough to realise what he had been missing.⠀⠀

⠀⠀Josh too had showed up with a date. After a week of the silent treatment he had decided that the only way to get Kalani talking might be to first annoy the hell out of her. Chloe looked, well, hot in a very low neckline sort of way. Normally he would have been all over her but tonight he was only interested in Kalani.⠀⠀

⠀⠀She was taking shots over at the makeshift bar that had been set up. Nathan was indeed with her but to Josh's surprise - and indeed growing feeling of happiness - Kalani seemed to be barely talking to him.⠀⠀

⠀⠀He began to walk over to her but she saw him coming, made her excuses, and disappeared into the crowd. Abandoning Chloe, he followed her.⠀⠀

⠀⠀After two full searches of the party, he gave up to return to the bar. He stopped short in surprise. Chloe was sat in Nathan's lap, the pair kissing furiously.⠀⠀

⠀⠀His jaw dropped and he looked wildly around, trying to see if Nia was nearby so that he could check just how "official" Kalani and Nathan were, and if he was still in with a chance. Instead he saw Kalani, leaning against a wall, looking straight at him.⠀⠀

⠀⠀He made his way over and this time she didn't run away. "We need to talk." He said softly. She nodded her head, her hair falling over her face.⠀⠀

⠀⠀"I..." She murmured and Josh leaned closer, hoping beyond hope that there would be some sort of declaration of love in the next few seconds. His hopes were in vain. "Feel sick." She finished weakly, looking up at him. Moments later she was vomiting, all over his shoes.⠀⠀

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